From the Rav’s Desk: Having a Gentile caretaker light the candles and retracting a mistaken Psak 0 1065
From the Rav’s Desk: Saving the leftover wicks and oil of the Menorah for the burning of Chametz on Erev Pesach 0 946
From the Rav’s Desk: Women cooking Sufganiyot or Latkes within the first half-hour that the candles are lit 0 1002
If one is traveling overnight [i.e. plane, car] what is he to do about lighting Chanukah candles 0 772
If one’s wife or/and daughters will not be coming home until after nightfall, is one to delay the lighting until they arrive? 0 1553
Leftover oil and wicks: May one benefit from the oil/wax that remains after the candles have extinguished? 0 2353
Where are Yeshiva and seminary students, to light the Chanukah candles-In their dorm room, or dining room? 0 797
Where is one to light the candles if he is eating by a friend or relative on one of the nights of Chanukah? 1 4801
Where is one to light the Chanukah candles on Erev and Motzei Shabbos if he will be traveling for Shabbos, or eating out for the Friday night meal 0 1789