Asking a Kohen to leave the Shul-In a time of need, may one forgo the Aliyos of a Kohen and Levi and give it to a Yisrael 0 1410
Being shown the reading before the blessing of the Aliyah and the law if one was shown the wrong reading 0 1698
From the Rav’s Desk: Response: The Rebbe’s custom of approximating the Gartel to the Sefer Torah 0 1170
Laws applicable if Olah or Baal Korei spoke or made an interval between the blessing and reading 0 397
The law if a mistake was made during the blessing of an Aliyah and one said the wrong blessing 0 1178
What is one to do if he is in middle of Shemoneh Esrei, and the congregation began to read Kerias Hatorah? 1 2451