Each child is different – Avraham represents kindness while his son Yitzchak represents severities 0 64
Only the Jewish people have ability to draw G-dliness below through the performance of Mitzvah’s: 0 63
Parshas Bereishis-Mamar Torah Or-The Danger of having exposure to evil behavior through media, and television 5 3331
Parshas Vayeitzei-Torah Or-Selected Teachings: 1) The meaning of a stone becoming the house of G-d; 2) Function of Yaakov; 3) Purpose of Creation and more 1 1268
The superiority of femininity in the future – The power of a woman in the Mashpia Mikabel dichotomy & The role of a wife as a giver 0 194
The true difference between the attribute of Gevura versus Chesed-Gevura is an overflow of Divine energy and not contracted energy 0 720
The unity of G-d expressed in Shema versus Baruch Sheim and the reason why the people of Jericho would skip it 0 63