Chapter 8: Nida laws applicable after Birth

Chapter 8: Nida laws applicable after Birth 1. Nida & Mikveh Purification after birth:[1] Becoming impure [i.e. Nida]:[2] Every woman becomes impure after a vaginal birth irrelevant of whether she has seen blood. This impurity is called Tumas Leida and is a second form of impurity, asides for her becoming […]

Chapter 7: After birth laws & Customs

Chapter 7: After birth laws & Customs 1. After birth blessings: A. Boy-Hatov Vehameitiv-Saying the blessing of Hatov Vehameitiv upon the birth of a son:[1] If one’s wife gave birth to a boy then both the husband and wife[2] are obligated to [immediately[3]] recite the blessing of “Hatov Vehameitiv[4].”[5] This […]

Chapter 6: Shabbos laws relating to birth

Chapter 6: Shabbos laws relating to birth[1] 1. Desecrating Shabbos on behalf of a Yoledes: One who has a life-threatening illness it is a Mitzvah [and obligation[2]] to transgress Shabbos on his behalf [to help heal him] and those which act with alacrity [and do so first] are praised.[3] Even […]

Chapter 5: Nida laws during Birth

Chapter 5: Nida laws during Birth 1. When does a woman in labor become a Nida?[1] A woman during labor may become a Nidah in any of the following scenarios: Blood: If blood flows from her vagina, she is deemed a Nida. [Some write that this applies even by a […]

Chapter 4: The birth

Chapter 4: The birth[1]   Sayings of Chazal on birth The scream of a woman giving birth:[2] The sound of women giving birth is one of the three sounds which travel from one end of the world to the other end. Pain in birth: The Talmud[3] states that when women […]

Chapter 3: Nida laws during pregnancy

Chapter 3: Nida laws during pregnancy[1] 1. Bleeding during pregnancy: Nida laws:[2] If a woman sees blood during her pregnancy, this follows the same laws applicable throughout all other times regarding determining her Nida status. Thus, if the blood was seen on a colored garment, or is not more than […]

Chapter 2: The Pregnancy

Chapter 2: The Pregnancy[1] See our corresponding Sefer “Kedushas Habayis” Chapter 1 for the great importance of sanctification of the couple during intimacy and the everlasting effect it has on one’s children! 1. Introduction-Chassidus and Derush: A. The Angels that guard the fetus from the evil inclination: G-d arranges two […]

Chapter 1: The Mitzvah of Peru Urevu

Chapter 1: The Mitzvah of Peru Urevu 1. The Mitzvah of Peru Urevu-The general command to get married and have children:[1] Every man is obligated to marry a woman in order to have children. The severity of one who does not try to have children:[2] Whoever is not active in […]

16. Kissing the Mezuzah before sleep:

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Sponsor an Article 16. Kissing the Mezuzah before sleep:[1] Prior to retiring to one’s […]

15. Making your child’s room into a Mikdash Me’at:

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Sponsor an Article 15. Making your child’s room into a Mikdash Me’at:[1] Even today, […]