This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Leaving a bathhouse [1] One who leaves a bathhouse must wash his hands one[2] time [immediately] afterwards. [This applies even if he entered the bathhouse and did not use it.[3] This applies even by today’s public bathhouses. However many are lenient […]
Washing hands after use of the Bathroom
Leaving the bathroom [1] One who leaves a bathroom must wash his hands afterwards.[2] [This applies even if he entered the bathroom and did not relieve himself.[3] This applies even by today’s bathrooms.[4] However those that are lenient not to wash their hands after entering bathrooms that contain other uses[5] have […]
Washing hands after arising from a bed
Arising from ones bed[1] One who arises from his bed is required to wash his hands [immediately] afterwards. [This applies even if one did not sleep at all.[2] This applies even if he lay on his bed during the day. If he layed on his bed without sleeping he is to […]
The prohibition of learning Torah or reciting blessings with unclean hands
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on The prohibition of learning Torah or reciting blessings with unclean hands:[1] Introduction-Impurity versus filth: It was explained above in Halacha 3 a list of actions that cause an impure spirit to reside on the hands. In the Q&A there […]
The prohibition of learning Torah or reciting blessings with unclean hands
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on The prohibition of learning Torah or reciting blessings with unclean hands:[1] Introduction-Impurity versus filth: It was explained above a list of actions that cause an impure spirit to reside on the hands. In the Q&A there it was explained that […]
The general law-Washing the hands after selected actions
Introduction: Certain actions that are performed cause a spirit of impurity to reside onto the hands similar to the evil spirit that resides upon sleeping at night. Nevertheless this is not the same form of impurity and hence does not follow the same laws as the morning washing. The following […]
Netilas Yadayim if one slept during the day
If one slept during the day is he to wash his hands upon awakening? [1] One slept for sixty breaths: If one slept during the day for a period of sixty breaths[2] it is proper[3] upon awakening for him to wash his hands three times [inconsecutively[4], as is done when awakening […]
Amount of sleep required for washing hands
The law if one did not sleep at all throughout the night: There is a dispute amongst Poskim [1] as to whether one who did not sleep at night is required to wash his hands in the morning. Furthermore, even according to those Poskim which require the hands to be washed […]
Blessing on improper washing
When is a blessing recited on an improper washing? The previous Halachas dealt with all the details required for a valid morning washing. The current law is a summary of cases in which one is unable to follow a certain requirement for the morning washing and its subsequent law. The […]
Dipping ones hands into water for the morning washing
Dipping one’s hands into a body of water: A. Dipping ones hands into water that is in a vessel: [1] Dipping one’s hands into a vessel of water does not remove the impurity from the hands. This applies even if one dips his hands three times into the vessel.[2] If one […]