What does one do if he does not have enough water to wash each hand three times? [1] If one does not have enough water to wash his hands three times properly, then he should wash [each hand one time pouring a Revius on each hand, or if he only has […]
Washing face and feet
Washing one’s face and feet every morning [1] One should wash his face and feet every day out of respect for G-d, as the verse states “For in the image of G-d he created man”. [One who goes to Mikveh in the morning fulfills this mitzvah with the immersion.[2] Some[3] rule […]
Discarding the water
Discarding the water which is forbidden in benefit: [1] The water that was used for the morning washing is forbidden to be used for any purpose, as this water is forbidden in benefit due to the impurity that resides on it. Therefore one may not leave the water lying in his […]
Rinsing the mouth upon awakening
Washing ones mouth in the morning: [1] Some have the custom to rinse their mouth in the morning to remove the ririm that is found in the mouth, in order to bless the Almighty G-d with holiness and purity. [The Chabad custom is to rinse the mouth prior to reciting the […]
Where to pour the morning washing water
Where is the water to be poured into? [1] Not to pour onto the ground: One may not pour the water used for morning washing onto the ground.[2] Rather one is to pour it into a vessel. [Thus when preparing the water before going to sleep the water filled vessel is […]
Morning washing for children
Do children need to wash their hands in the morning? [1] It is accustomed not to be careful to wash the hands of children upon awakening, until they reach the age of Chinuch.[2] [However once the child has reached the age of Chinuch one must be careful to educate them to […]
Preparing the washing basin near one’s bed
Preparing a basin of water next to ones bed [1] Due to the restriction [against walking before washing], prior to going to sleep one[2] is to prepare a basin of water near his bed to wash with upon awakening. [The water filled vessel is to be placed into an empty vessel […]
Washing immediately upon awakening
Washing immediately upon awakening: [1] Every meticulous person should beware to wash his hands immediately upon awakening [after saying Modeh Ani] even if he plans on remaining lying in his bed. Through doing so he will be saved from waste of seed [nocturnal emission]. To Purchase this Sefer click here. [1] Kama […]
The Bracha/Blessing on the morning washing
The blessing recited over the morning washing: A. The Nussach:[1] The wording of the blessing said over the morning washing is “Al Netilas Yadayim“.[2] B. Reciting the blessing after the second washing:[3] After awakening in the morning one is to wash his hands [near his bed] without saying a blessing, […]
Morning washing-The details of the washing
How does one wash his hands in the morning? A. Pouring on one’s hands using a vessel: [1] One must use a vessel to pour[2] the water on his hands for the morning washing.[3] Q&A May one use a disposable cup to wash Negel Vasser?[4] Initially it is best not use […]