Daily Chumash Devarim Monday – Appointing judges

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  • Appointing judges: Moshe stated “How can I carry alone all of your disputes? Bring judges of proper wisdom and quality and appoint them to be your leaders.” Bnei Yisrael consented to Moshe’s request and Moshe appointed the tribal leaders as judges to arbitrate the disputes between one man and another. Moshe instructed the judges to judge properly and not show favoritism in judgment or fear any man. All cases that are beyond the scope of the judge’s ability to arbitrate are to be brought to Moshe. Bnei Yisroel were commanded at that time all the laws [of judgment].
  • Traveling from Choreiv: Bnei Yisrael traveled from Chorev until Kadeish Barnea and the Emorite mountain and I then told you that Hashem has given you the land, go and inherit the land of Israel.

[1] Some begin Sheiyni prior to Moshe’s blessing. This is done in order to avoid beginning the Aliya with a negative verse of Eicha. [See Sefer Haminhagim p. 61; Luach Kolel Chabad; Hiskashrus]

Daily Chumash Sunday, 11th Shevat, Yisro: Yisro and family arrive

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