Daily Chumash Matos Maaseiy Friday – The people inheriting the land

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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 Revi’i (Shishi when combined with Matos)

  1. The people inheriting the land:
    • Hashem spoke to Moshe saying that the following are the names of those who will be inheriting the land to the Jewish people: Elazar Hakohen and Yehoshua Ben Nun and one leader per tribe is to inherit the land for their tribe. The following are the names of the tribal leaders.
      • Shevet Yehuda: Kalev Ben Yefuneh
      • Shevet Shimon: Shmuel Ben Amihud
      • Shevet Binyamin: Elidad Ben Kislon
      • Shevet Dan: Bukki Ben Yogli
      • Shevet Menashe: Channiel Ben Eiphod
      • Shevet Ephraim: Kemual Ben Shiftan
      • Shevet Zevulun: Elitzafan Ben Parnach
      • Shevet Yissachar: Paltiel Ben Azzan
      • Shevet Asher: Achihud Ben Shelomi
      • Shevet Naftali: Padahel Ben Ammihud


  1. The cities of the Levites:
    • Hashem spoke to Moshe by the Jordan saying that he is to command Bnei Yisrael to distribute cities to the Levites from amongst their inheritance of land.
    • The space surrounding the cities: The Levite cities are to contain an open space of 1000 Amos surrounding their cities to be designated for their animals and property. The city is to have a total of 2000 Amos of open space surrounding it, [the first thousand as a Migrash and the second for their fields and vineyards].
    • The cities of refuge: The Levites are to receive six cities of refuge for murderers to seek refuge in, and 42 cities for them to dwell in, for a total of 48 cities.
    • From whose property are the Levite cities appropriated: Those tribes who have a larger portion of land are to allocate from within their property more cities to the Levites, while those tribes who have a smaller portion of land are to give them less cities.

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