*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer
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- Moshe instructs the Jewish people regarding the Pesach lamb and the upcoming plague:
- Moshe summoned all the elders of Israel and instructed them: Each family should take for themselves one of the flock, and slaughter it as a Pesach offering. You shall take a bundle of hyssop and dip it into the blood that is in the basin, and touch with it the lintel and the two doorposts.
- Not to leave home: No man may leave his house until the morning. Hashem will pass through Egypt and smite it, and when he sees the blood on your doorposts, the blood will prevent the plague from entering your home.
- You shall guard the above [Pesach sacrifice] as a statute for all generations. When you arrive to the promised land and you follow these laws, your children will ask you why it [i.e. the Pesach sacrifice] is done, and you shall inform them that it is in commemoration of the fact that Hashem smit the Egyptians and passed over the Jewish houses.
- The Jewish nation bowed and prostrated and they went to do that which Hashem commanded through Moshe and Aaron.
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