1. Mifiboshes tries to make amends with King Dovid:
- Mifiboshes was in a state of mourning and came to greet the king: Mifiboshes the son of Shaul went to greet the king. He had not shaved or cut his mustache or laundered his clothing since the day that Dovid was exiled until the day that he arrived to Dovid in peace [as he was so saddened by the state of affairs of Dovid that he entered himself into a state of mourning].
- Mifiboshes is confronted by Dovid for his betrayal and defends himself: When he arrived at Jerusalem to greet the king the king confronted him by asking him why he did not join him in his exile from Jerusalem. Mifiboshes replied, “My master the king my servant [Tziva] had fooled me, as I had asked my servant to prepare the donkey for me so I can ride on it to join the king, being that I am crippled and cannot walk. [However, my servant Tziva tricked me by running away alone on the donkey and hence I could not join you.[1]] Now, people [i.e. Tziva] have spoken slander of me in front of my master the king [telling him that I anticipated overthrowing him while he was gone], and in truth I view my master the king as an angel of G-d [who knows the truth that I did not wish to do so[2]]. Now, please do what is good in your eyes. Remember, that my entire father’s household were liable for death for rebellion against my master the king, and the king had placed me his servant to be amongst those who dine with him on his table. What else can I say to the king [and convince him of my innocence] and what else can I request from him?”
- The verdict of the king regarding Mifiboshes: The king replied to him saying, “Why do you continue to speak as I have already decided my verdict to split the property between you and Tziva.[3]” Mifiboshes replied to the king that as far as he is concerned even if the king were to take everything [he would not be saddened as he is so overjoyed] over the fact that the king returned safely home to Jerusalem. [The sages state that since Dovid partially accepted the slander that Tziva spoke about Mifiboshes, it was therefore decreed that his own kingdom would be split between Rechavam and Yeravam.[4]]
[1] Radak and Metzudos Dovid 19:27
[2] Metzudos Dovid 19:28
[3] See Pirush Rav Yeshaya 19:30
[4] Radak 19:30
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