Daily Tanach Thursday Shmuel 2 Chapter 19: Dovid’s monarchy is re-established

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

Chapter 19: Dovid’s monarchy is re-established

1.      Dovid bemoans the death of his son Avshalom:

  • The king became very angry, and he went up to the [roof of the[1]] gate and he cried and stated the following as he was walking, “My son Avshalom, my son, my son, Avshalom, if only then I would have died instead of you, Avshalom my son, my son.” [The sages state that each time Dovid said the words “my son” he elevated him from one of the levels of purgatory, and said the word a total of eight times to elevate him from the seven levels of purgatory and bring him the eighth level, which is the garden of Eden.[2]]
  • Yoav is informed that the king is in mourning: Yoav was then informed that the King was crying, and he too then began mourning the death of Avshalom.
  • The entire nation mourns that day: The salvation of that day became a day of mourning for the nation, as the nation heard that the king was very saddened of hearing of the death of his son. The people of Dovid arrived home to their city on that day in a dejected state entering their city without any fanfare, as if it were they who were shamed and ran away from the battlefield.
  • Dovid mourns: The king wrapped his face in the ways of a mourner, and he screamed a great cry saying, “My son Avshalom, my son, my son”

2.      Yoav chastises the king for being so depressed over the loss of his son:

  • Yoav arrived to the home of the king and said to him, “You’ve today shamed all your servants and soldiers who today have saved your life and the life of your sons and daughters and the life of your wife and concubines. You’ve chosen to love those who hate you and to hate those who love you. You made it as if that you do not have any ministers or servants [and that they are of no meaning and importance in your eyes[3]]. It seems to me that you would have rather preferred for Avshalom to have lived and have all of us today be dead. Now, get up and go out to the nation and speak to the hearts of your servants and soldiers, as I have sworn by the name of G-d that if you do not leave to greet the nation, then nobody will sleep with you this night [to protect you from your enemies, and they will be disgusted with you and desert you] and this evil will be worse to you then all the evils that have come upon you from the day of your youth until now.”
  • The king greets the nation: So the king got up and sat by the gate of the city. The entire nation was informed that the king was sitting by the gates, and the entire nation came and passed before the King.
  • The rebel citizens flee: The Jewish people [who were on the side of Avshalom[4]] each ran away to their tents.

[1] Radak 19:1

[2] Rashi 19:1; Sotah 10b

[3] Metzudos Dovid 19:7

[4] Rashi 19:9

Daily Tanach Monday Shmuel 2 Chapter 22: The song of Dovid

Post Views: 81 * The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer Buy Now-The Tanach Summary Series Purchase on our website Sign up for Daily link via Whatsapp Sponsor an Episode Chapter 22: The song of Dovid 1.      The song the song of Dovid: Dovid recited the following

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