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(LY) 8th Nissan
- Love and fear elevate Torah and Mitzvahs to the spiritual worlds, as wings help a bird fly to the heavens:
- Wings are not a vital organ of a bird: The wing of a bird is not considered a main organ of the bird with which it cannot live without, as its life is not dependent on it at all, as it states in the Mishneh that a bird remains kosher even if its wings are removed. This is in contrast to the head and body of the bird which is its main structure. The only function of the wings is to help the head and body fly. The same applies with love and fear, as we will now explain.
- Torah and Mitzvahs affect the Divine unification: Torah and Mitzvos are what create the actual supernal unification above through eliciting a revelation of the Divine will, as a result of the Torah and Mitzvahs.
- The love and fear elevate the Torah and Mitzvahs to perform the unification: The purpose of the love and fear that is experienced while performing the Mitzvah is what elevates the Torah and Mitzvah to a place above where the will of the infinite G-d can be revealed for the unification to take place, which is in the world of Yetzirah and Beriya.
- Gloss-The world that is affected by the study of each subject of Torah:
- Mitzvos Maasiyos and Mikra affect Yichud up until the world of Assiya: The elevation of the Torah and Mitzvahs through performing them with love and fear is not only to the worlds of Yetzirah and Beriya, but also to the world of Assiya. This is the world in which the physical Mitzvahs, and study of Scripture, are elevated to. This means that the study of scripture affects a Divine unification and revelation of the infinite light of G-d within the world of Atzilus all the way down to the world of Assiya.
- Mishneh affects Yichud up until the world of Yetzirah: The study of Mishneh causes a Divine unification within the world of Yetzirah. This means that the study of Mishneh affects a Divine unification and revelation of the infinite light of G-d within the world of Atzilus all the way down to the world of Yetzirah, but not in the world of Assiya.
- Talmud affects Yichud up until the world of Yetzirah: The study of Talmud affects a Divine unification in the world of Beriya. This means that the study of Talmud affects a Divine unification and revelation of the infinite light of G-d within the world of Atzilus all the way down to the world of Beriya, but not in the world of Yetzirah or Assiya.
- Kabbala affects Yichud only in the world or Atzilus: The study of Kabbalah effects a Divine unification only in the world of Atzilus and has no effect at all in the world of Beriya, Yetzirah, or Assiya, as is written in the writings of the Arizal.
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