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(LY) 26th Shevat
- Teshuvah is always possible, even after committing a sin on the basis of repenting afterwards:
- No Divine assistance for sins committed on the basis of repenting afterwards: Although a person who sins on the basis that he can then later repent, is not given a chance to repent [and hence one can argue that the above mentioned argument that one can also serve idolatry having in mind to repent afterwards and reconnect his soul, is invalid as], in truth even such a person can repent if he so chooses, and it is simply that he is not given an auspicious opportunity from above which assists him in his repentance.
- Repentance helps even by sins that were committed on the basis of repenting afterwards: However, even such a person who sinned on the basis of then later repenting, if he pushes himself and does Teshuvah, then even his repentance is accepted, as nothing stands in the face of repentance.
- A Jew is not willing to serve idolatry even though he can later repent:
- Now that we have established that even by the sin of idolatry it helps for one to later repent and reconnect his soul, and even if he served the idolatry on the basis of this later ability of repentance, the argument stated earlier returns to its place. As it remains true that even though a Jew is able to repent even after committing the sin of idolatry, he still remains ready and prepared to give up his life for the holiness of G-d and not prostrate himself to idolatry even momentarily on the basis of repenting afterwards. [Hence, just as one would give up his life to not commit idolatry so too he should control himself not to commit even the light sins.]
- The inner revelation of G-d in one’s soul prevents one from serving idolatry: What prevents a Jew from prostrating himself to idolatry even momentarily is the light of G-d that is invested within his soul, as explained in the previous chapters.
- An eternal separation: Now, this Divine light is not within the concept of time and is rather above time and actually rules and has control over it, as is known. [Hence, from its perspective, a temporary separation from G-d is viewed as if it is permanent, being that past present and future do not exist from its perspective, and every moment of time is eternal.]
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