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5. G-d joins one’s thoughts to his actions:
- The above idea that even an intellectual love of a Beinoni can be considered like real conscious love, is hinted to in the following statement of our sages “a good thought G-d connects to the action.” Now, the wording should have been that one who has a good intent is considered as if he did it, even if in actuality he did not bring his good intent to fruition. The wording of that the thought is connected with the action does not make much sense, unless we explain it as follows.
- Conscious love is the wings of the Mitzvos: The conscious revealed love for G-d that a person experiences is invested in his action of the Mitzvos, to give them energy to fly above to heaven.
- Emotions of the heart are also physical: The heart of man is a physical limb just like any other limb of action, and hence it is able to attach to actions that are performed and become their inner vitality and energy. Therefore, these feelings of the heart are able to become invested in the action and serve as their wings to elevate them.
- The deficiencies in intellectual love and fear: Despite the above, love and fear of a mere intellectual level is in truth much higher and more abstract then Mitzvos that are fulfilled through action, and is therefore unable on its own to become invested within the action of the Mitzvos and serve as their intellect and energy and wings to elevate them above, if not for G-d. Intellectual love and fear is considered like a mere good intention or good thought as it is not actually revealed within the heart and rather remains within the minds understanding and hidden recesses of the heart.
- The assistance G-d gives the intellectual love and fear: This is why it is necessary for G-d to attach this good thought of intellectual love and fear to the action. It is G-d who connects and attaches this intellectual love and fear to the physical action of the Mitzvah so it serves as its intellect and energy and wings to elevate it above. Hence, on this it states that G-d joins the good thought and intention of the individual of intellectual love and fear to the action of the Mitzvah that he does.
- Gloss-Wings that come from intellect: This idea is based on the Zohar which states that the word Tevuna is made up of the Hebrew words for son and daughter, which refers to love and fear. The reason for this is because sometimes the level of Tevuna descends to become the intellect of the feminine aspects of Zeir Anpin, which are the letters of the Torah and Mitzvos.
6. The elevation accomplished by the joining of the intellectual love and fear into the Mitzvah:
- A natural elevation to the world Yetzirah: Even without G-d joining the intellectual love and fear to the Mitzvah, the Mitzvah would still be elevated to the world of Yetzirah, as result of the natural and hidden love and fear contained in the heart of every Jew from birth.
- Elevated to the world of Beriyah: What then does G-d joining the intellectual love and fear to the Mitzvah accomplish? It accomplishes that the Torah and Mitzvos that are fulfilled as a result of the intellectual love and fear become elevated up until the world of Beriyah, which is an elevation normally reserved only for those Torah and Mitzvos that are fulfilled with an intellectually born love and fear.
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