From the Ravs Desk: Latest articles and Q&A [Sunday 19th Teves 5785]

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May one purchase crushed garlic?

Crushed garlic is to be purchased under a Mehadrin Hashgacha who verify that Kosher additives were added to the garlic to prevent the issue of it staying overnight.

Does the prohibition apply to egg powder and garlic/onion powder?

Some Poskim[1] rule that the above prohibition does not apply to powdered egg/garlic/onion.[2] Other Poskim[3], however, are stringent in this matter. Practically, the custom is to be lenient.


[1] Degel Efraim 28; Chelkas Yaakov 1:111; Har Tzevi 74; Igros Moshe Y.D. 3:20; Shevet Halevi 6:111-5-7; Yabia Omer 2 Y.D. 7 based on Har Tzevi Y.D. 74; Imreiy Yaakov 10:32; See also Kaf Hachaim 116:93; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 3:8

[2] The reason: As the food is no longer edible in its current state.

[3] Beis Shlomo 1:159; Minchas Pitim Y.D. 116; Darkei Teshuvah 116:74

This is not accurate. While it is true that a father can be punished for not educating his child, and that a child can be punished for the sins of his father, it is not accurate to say that also a father is punished for the sins of his child. In essence, a child is not obligated in mitzvah’s and hence he does not deserve punishment for transgression, and punishment can only be given to the father if he should’ve educated him otherwise, however not if the child chose to disobey and transgress.

See M”A 225:5; Levush 225; Shaareiy Efraim 4:26; Ketzos Hashulchan ibid footnote 13 in length; Nitei Gavriel 12:7

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