From the Rav’s Desk – Q&A’s on Davening and more

  1. Question: [Monday, 15th Mar Cheshvan, 5781]

If one forgot to say Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem, and remembered at the end of the blessing prior to saying Hashem’s name. Should he go back and say it, should he say it then, or she just continue?



According to the rulings of Admur, if one recited Morid Hatal as accustomed by Nussach Sefarad, then one is not to go back to Morid Hageshem, and is not even to say it in the area that he remembered, and is rather to continue from there even if he did not yet say Hashem’s name in the concluding blessing.


Sources: Admur 114:6 in parentheses; Implication of Beis Yosef 114 as brought in P”M 114 A”A 7; See Chikrei Halachos 7:11 that this matter is in truth unclear from the Poskim, and hence Admur placed it in parentheses

I was present in an Ashkenazi synagogue in Jerusalem on Shabbos Chol Hamoed Sukkos, and they read the entire book of Koheleth’s from a scroll with a blessing of Al Kerias Megillah and Shehechiyanu. I have never seen this before in my life and was wondering as to the source of it?

The Ashekenazi custom is to read Megillas Koheles on Shabbos Chol Hamoed Sukkos.[1] Now, the main ruling follows that it is to be read without a blessing[2], and so is done in the vast majority of Ashkenazi communities. However, there is a minority opinion in the Poskim[3] who rule that it may be read with a blessing from a Kosher Megillah and so is followed by a small minority of Ashkenazi communities who follow the rulings of the Gra. Hence, you probably Davened in a Minyan that follows this custom.

[1] Rama 663:2; Admur 490:17; Piskeiy Teshuvos 663:2

[2] Rama 490:9; Admur 490:17; M”A 490:9 and 663:1; Taz 490:6; Shut Rama 35; Levush 490; Bach; Mateh Moshe; Chok Yaakov 490:11; M”B 490:19; Kaf Hachaim 490:81; Piskeiy Teshuvos 490:11

[3] Gra in Maaseh Rav 175; Levush 490:5; Minhag of Yishuv Hayashan in Yerushalayim; Orchos Rabbeinnu 2:112

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From the Rav’s Desk – Q&A’s on Davening and more

Post Views: 624 Forgot Mashiv Haruach and remembered right away Question: [Monday, 15th Mar Cheshvan, 5781] If one forgot to say Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem, and remembered at the end of the blessing prior to saying Hashem’s name. Should he go back and say it, should he say it then, or she

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