It is forbidden for one’s wife to sing Shabbos Zemiros during times of Nida.[1] This applies even if she is singing together with other family members or guests.[2] During times of purity, however, it is permitted for her to do so [if other male guests are not present].[3] Nonetheless, some limit this only to tunes that do not contain verses of scripture or the name of Hashem.[4]
[1] See Chok Yaakov 479:6 that a woman should not sing the Hodu by Halel of the Seder due to Kol Isha; Yosef Ometz 603; Be’r Sheva Kuntrus Ber Mayim Chaim 3; Az Nidbaru 3:71; 9:59; Otzer Haposkim 21; Menachem Meishiv 26; Tahrah Kehalacha 14:24; Halichos Bas Yisrael 6:11
[2] Be’r Sheva Kuntrus Ber Mayim Chaim 3; Be’r Yehuda on Sefer Chassidim L.S. 3; Suga Beshoshanim 16:6-7; Shevet Halevi 5:197-4; Shiureiy Shevet Halevi 6:2; Taharah Kehalacha 14:24; Halichos Bas Yisrael 6:11
Other opinions: Some Poskim argue and rule the prohibition of Kol Isha does not apply when a group of people are singing together. [Chasam Sofer O.C. Shaar Taharas Hayadayim 14 based on Shoftim 5 that Devora and Barak sang together the Shira; See also Sridei Aish 2:8 regarding Zemiros]
[3] Implication of Chok Yaakov and Poskim ibid that the singing of Zemiros is not considered Torah learning even though it contains words of verses. Vetzaruch Iyun!
[4] Halichos Bas Yisrael 6:11
May a man hear a woman singing if he does not know who she is?
Some Poskim[1] rule it is permitted to do so.[2] Other Poskim[3] rule it is forbidden to do so[4], and so is the practical ruling.
[1] Beis Shearim 53; One way of learning Maharam Shick E.H. 53
[2] The reason: As the Yetzer Hara only has a lust towards that what he sees. [Poskim ibid]
[3] Peri Hasadeh 3/32; Ohel Moshe 1/32; Birchas Chaim 21; Birchas Shamayim 30; Poskim in Otzer Haposkim 21; Yaskil Avdi 5/12; Chelkas Yaakov 1/30 and 163; Minchas Yitzchak 7/70; Shevet Halevi 3/181; 5/197-3; Az Nidbaru 9/59; Rav SZ”A in Halichos Shlomo 20/12
[4] The reason: As one is not allowed to hear a woman’s voice even if he does not know her identity, as the rule that the Yetzer Hara only has a lust towards that which he sees was said only regarding future erotic thoughts, however at the time of the hearing of the sound, it certainly has erotic thoughts. [Poskim ibid]
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