From the Ravs Desk: Shaalos & Teshuvos on Tishe Beav & More

May one fly during the three weeks?

It is permitted to fly on a plane during the three weeks and nine days. However, one is to abstain from traveling to dangerous areas, or for the sake of pleasure or a vacation.[1] Thus, one should only travel for necessary purposes, or for the sake of a Mitzvah. This especially applies during the nine days. On one occasion, the Rebbe advised that one who plans to travel during the three weeks, should at least begin his traveling preparations prior to the 17th of Tammuz, such as through packing some of his belongings prior to the 17th.[2]

[1] See Minchas Elazar 4:54 regarding why by Sefira it is allowed, implying that by Bein Hametzarim it is to be avoided

[2] Heichal Menachem 2:214, published in Shulchan Menachem 3:49


May one fly on Tisha B’av if there is a need to do so?[1]

Yes, however it is best to arrange for an afternoon flight.


If one is flying on a fast day and is extending or hastening the sunset, when is he to break his fast?

He is to break his fast as soon as Tzeis Hakochavim arrives in the area that he is currently in. Thus, if he flew from the U.S. to Israel and is hence hastening the coming of Tzeis Hakochavim, he may to break his fast as soon as Tzeis Hakochavim arrives on his plane. If, however, he flew from Israel to the U.S. and is hence delaying the time of Tzeis Hakochavim, then he is to fast until Tzeis Hakochavim arrives while he is on the plane.[2] Some Poskim[3] however rule that one may be lenient to break his fast in accordance to the area that he left from, upon Tzeis Hakochavim arriving there. 

[1] Nitei Gavriel 79:9

[2] Igros Moshe 3:96; Betzeil Hachochmah 1:31; Chavatzeles Hasharon 1:43; Yaskil Avdi 8:31; Piskeiy Teshuvos 562:2; See Nitei Gavriel Bein Hametzarim 4:5

[3] Shevet Halevi 8:261; See Nitei Gavriel ibid

May one swim for exercise or rehabilitation purposes during the nine days?

It is forbidden to swim for purposes of exercise during the nine days. Those who require the exercise for medical reasons, are to find an alternative exercise during the period of the nine days. In the event that other forms of exercise are not available, or are not as beneficial, one may swim for medical reasons, as recommended by a doctor. This would include swimming for therapeutic exercise after a surgery, or from one who suffers from joint pains, arthritis, fibromyalgia, back pain, or one who is in need of physical therapy.

16. Bathing and Showering during the Nine days

Should one say Havdalah over beer and the like on Moztei Shabbos of the nine days if he has no children to give the wine to?

There is no need to make Havdala over beer, or tea and coffee in such a case, and one may even initially make Havadala over wine and drink it hismelf.[1]]

[1] Implication of Rama ibid and Setimas Kol Haposkim; Ashel Avraham 551; Aruch Hashulchan 551:26 that is is custom of some; Salmas Chaim 224; Imrei Yosher Minhagei Chazon Ish p. 4; Nitei Gavriel 9 and footnote 13; See regarding Motzei Tishe Beav on Sunday: Birkeiy Yosef 556:3; Shraga Hameir 7:71; Az Nidbaru 11:48

The reason: As initially one is to recite Havdala over wine. [See Admur Admur 296:8; 272:2; 600:6; M”A 272:3; 600:1; See Elya Raba 272:4; Birkeiy Yosef 272:2]

Other Opinions: Some Poskim rule one is not to say Havdala over wine but rather over beer. [Aruch Hashulchan 551:26] See regarding Motzei Tishe Beav on Sunday: Kaf Hachaim 556:9; Minchas Yitzchak 8:30; Kinyan Torah 2:111

May one who is drinking the wine or grape juice by Havadala of the nine days drink the entire cup?


Setimas Haposkim; Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:35

If all of one’s socks or undergarments are dirty may one wear new ones during the nine days if they were bought beforehand?

No. It is forbidden to wear new clothing, including socks, during the nine days. 

See Michaber 551:6 regarding week of Tisha B’av and Rama 551:6 that we are Machmir from Rosh Chodesh; Tur in name of Ramban; See Kaf Hachaim 551:88 and Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:27 that it applies even to undergarments

Ruling of Michaber and Sephardim: The Michaber rules it is only forbidden to wear new clothing during the week of Tisha B’av. [Michaber 551:6; Beis Yosef 551; M”A 551:23; Levushei Serud 551; Mateh Yehuda 551:6; Machatzis Hashekel 551:23; P”M 551 A”A 23Kaf Hachaim 551:98]

If one is traveling after Tisha B’av and needs to do laundry, may he be lenient to do so before midday of the tenth?

Yes, you may do laundry prior to midday.[1] 

[1] Piskeiy Teshuvos 558:2 based on ruling of Mamar Mordechai that the prohibition only applies to meat and wine, and in a time of great need one may rely on their opinion.

From the Rav’s Desk: Women saying blessings

Post Views: 50 Women and girls saying blessings Question: I met an elderly Jewish woman at an old age home who when I asked her if she would like to say a blessing over candle lighting before Shabbos, she was very excited to do so, however asked me if it

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