My Tallis Katan tore vertically by the middle front edge, between the two corners, creating another two corners. Is it still Kosher?
Yes, the Tzitzis remains valid [so long as it has not torn throughout its entire length to the point that less than 6cm of attachment remains]. According to Admur in the Siddur, it is not even necessary for one to sew the tear even if it tore in majority of its length, and he may continue wearing it as usual. If it only tore slightly, then according to all sewing is not necessary, as it is not considered a valid corner.
See Siddur Admur [letter 20 in Raskin]; Tosafus Menachos 40b; Ketzos Hashulchan 6:10
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule one is always to resew a torn piece that tore in majority of its length in order so it not be a more than four cornered Tallis. [Ben Ish Chaiy Noach 8; Chesed Lealafim 10:4; Kaf Hachaim 10:7; Piskeiy Teshuvos 15 footnote 22; See Halacha 10A in Q&A!]
May one motion and hint to people in middle of Pesukei Dezimra?[1]
Initially, one may not make an interval during any part of Davening [past Baruch Sheamar], even if he will not be saying any words.
[1] See Beis Oved 51:3; Makor Chaim 51; Kaf Hachaim 51:17; See Admur 63:7; Salmas Chaim 49; Yagel Yaakov 10; Betzel Hachochma 4:88; Beir Moshe 2:7 [there he permits writing with exception to 1st paragraph of Shema]; Yabia Omer 9:10; Teshuvos Vehanhagos 2:40; Shevet Hakehasi 1:77; Piskeiy Teshuvos 51:8; 66:1
May a woman make a Hefsek in middle of Pesukei Dezimra or does it have the same law as a man?
A woman who recites Pesukei Dezimra with the blessings of Baruch Sheamar and Yishtabach, may not talk or motion during Pesukei Dezimra just as we rule regarding a man.
The reason: Although women are exempt from Pesukei Dezimra according to Admur and other Poskim, nonetheless, if they choose to say it, they may not make an interval in between just as they may not make an interval the blessing over Lulav and the shaking of the lulav even though they are exempt from the mitzvah.
May one on a strict meat diet due to health reasons eat meat during the nine days if no other foods may be eaten?
Yes, however, it is best to eat poultry rather than meat, if the diet allows it. If not then one may eat actual meat.
See Rama 551:9; Mateh Yehuda ibid; Kaf Hachaim 551:138; Chayeh Adam 133:16; M”B 551:61
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