1. Erev Shabbos Chazon:
A. Bathing on Erev Shabbos Chazon:[1]
The letter of the law: On Erev Shabbos Chazon [Parshas Devarim] one may bathe his hands, feet and head in cold water.[2] Some allow one who bathes himself every Erev Shabbos, to wash his head [hands and feet[3]] even in hot water.[4] It is forbidden to wash the remainder of one’s body even with cold water.[5] [Likewise, one may not use soap or shampoo to wash his head, hands or face.[6]]
The custom-Allowance for cleanliness purposes: The above restriction only applies when bathing for purposes of pleasure. It is however permitted to bathe the body for reasons of cleanliness[7], and so is an old age Chassidic custom to allow bathing the body [for cleanliness purposes] on Erev Shabbos Chazon.[8] Accordingly, if one feels sweaty or dirty, he may shower even with hot water, until his body is clean. It is however forbidden to remain in the water for more time than necessary.[9]
Mikveh:[10] One who immerses in a Mikveh every Erev Shabbos, may likewise immerse on Erev Shabbos during the nine days. If, however, one does not immerse every Erev Shabbos, such as when he has a cold, or when he is busy, then he may not immerse this Erev Shabbos of the nine days. When immersing in a Mikveh, one is to immerse in a cold or warm Mikveh, as opposed to hot.[11] If, however, one is unable to immerse in a cold Mikveh, he may immerse in a hot one.[12] It is however forbidden to remain within the hot water more than necessary.[13]]
B. Cutting nails:[14]
One may cut his nails on Erev Shabbos Chazon.[15] This applies even if Tisha B’av falls on Shabbos.[16] [However, some Poskim[17] rule that if Tisha B’av falls on Shabbos then one may only do so if he is accustomed to cut his nails on every Erev Shabbos.]
C. Eating and tasting meat on Erev Shabbos Chazon?[18]
One may taste a meat dish on Erev Shabbos to see if it requires any extra spices. [One is to simply taste the food and spit it out.[19] One is not to say a blessing upon tasting it.] It is forbidden to eat it in order to fulfill the custom of eating the Shabbos food before Shabbos.
Children: A child who is below the age of Chinuch may eat meat, poultry and wine during the nine days.[20] A child who is above the age of Chinuch may not eat meat or drink wine during the nine days.[21] The age of Chinuch in this regard is a child who has reached the age of understanding the mourning period [which is not before age 9[22]].[23] Some Poskim[24], however, rule one should be stringent if the child has reached the general age of Chinuch of all Mitzvos [which is approximately from age six]. [Practically, the custom of many is to be stringent in this matter.[25]] One may be lenient to give children [below Bar and Bas Mitzvah] to eat meat on Erev Shabbos after midday.[26] [Some Poskim[27] however limit this ruling only to those areas in which Shabbos begins late and one desires to feed the children before Shabbos.]
If one started Shabbos early may he make Kiddush and eat meat before sunset?[28] Yes.
D. May one polish and shine his Shabbos shoes on Erev Shabbos Chazon?[29]
It is permitted to polish and shine one’s shoes in honor of Shabbos.
E. May one mop his floors on Erev Shabbos Chazon?[30]
Although some[31] refrain from mopping the floors during the nine days, one may mop the floors regularly in honor of Shabbos.[32]
_____________________________________________[1] Rama 551:16
Letter of law or custom: Ideally, it should be permitted to bathe on Erev Shabbos due to Kavod Shabbos, just as we permit laundering clothing in honor of Shabbos. However, it is accustomed to prohibit bathing even on Erev Shabbos. [Darkei Moshe 551; M”A 551:14]
[2] Rama ibid; Maharil 17
[3] Chayeh Adam 133:19; brought in M”B 551:97; Kitzur SHU”A 122:13; Kaf Hachaim 551:201
Other opinions: The Rama ibid rules one may wash these parts only with cold water.
[4] Rama ibid
[5] Rama ibid; Darkei Moshe 551:7; M”A 551:41; Elya Raba 551:37
[6] M”A 551:41; Chayeh Adam 133:19; M”B 551:97; Kitzur SHU”A 122:13; Kaf Hachaim 551:200
[7] Admur 613:1 regarding dirt and 614:1 regarding sweat, that even on Yom Kippur one may bathe to remove sweat and hence certainly it is permitted during the three weeks; M”A 614:1; Elya Raba 614:1 in name of Shibulei Haleket; Mamar Mordechai 614:1 in name of Rabbeinu Manoach; M”B 613:2; Aruch Hashulchan 551:37; Igros Moshe Even Haezer 4:84-4; Sheivet Haleivi 7:77; Shearim Hametzuyanim 122:12 [Perhaps this is the Mahadurah Basra]; Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:48; Rav Eli Landa related to me that his father, Rav Yaakov Landa, was very lenient regarding showers in Eretz Yisrael and other hot climates, for purposes of cleanliness. However one should try to use only warm water; See however Orchos Rabbeinu 2:133 in name of Chazon Ish who forbade showering even due to sweat.
[8] Mishmeres Shalom Kudinov 40:1; Rav Henkin that so is custom and so was custom of Chassidei Reisin; See Nitei Gavriel 43:2
The reason: As it is permitted to bathe for the sake of a Mitzvah, as well, according to Kabala, one is not to do any change between this Shabbos and other Shabbosim. [Mishmeres Shalom ibid]
[9] See Tosefes Chaim ibid; Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:48; Rav Eli Landa
[10] M”A 551:41; Shelah p. 200; Elya Raba 551:37; Chayeh Adam 133:19; Derech Hachaim 7; Kitzur SHU”A 122:13; M”B 551:95
[11] Derech Hachaim ibid; Kitzur SHU”A ibid; Kaf Hachaim ibid and Poskim mentioned in previous footnote; Tosefes Chaim on Chayeh Adam 133:37
[12] Tosefes Chaim ibid; Kaf Hachaim ibid
[13] Tosefes Chaim ibid; Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:48
[14] Opinion in M”A 551:11 [although is unclear if he refers to all nine days or only week of Tisha Beav]; Taz 551:13; Elya Raba 551:7; Mateh Yehuda 551:12; Chayeh Adam 133:17; Kitzur SHU”A 122:5; Derech Hachaim 4; Ben Ish Chaiy Devarim 13; M”B 551:20; Kaf Hachaim 551:48
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule it is permitted to cut nails throughout the nine days, even during the week of Tisha B’av, as this is considered a private custom of Aveilus, in which we are more lenient during the public mourning of the Temple. [Conclusion of M”A 551:11; Noda Beyehuda Kama Y.D. 99] Other Poskim rule one may not cut nails throughout the three weeks. [Kneses Hagedola 551:41] This is not the accepted custom.
[15] So is implied from M”A ibid that according to his first, stringent, approach we consider that entire week as the week of Tishe Beav, when Tisha Beav falls on Shabbos, and it is only permitted to be done on Erev Shabbos. [See Michaber 551:4 and Halacha 17G for a dispute regarding the status of the week of Tisha Beav when Tisha Beav falls on Shabbos.]
[16] M”A ibid; Elya Raba ibid; Levushei Serud 551 on M”A ibid that so applies even according to Taz; Ben Ish Chaiy Devarim 13; M”B ibid; Kaf Hachaim ibid
[17] Elya Raba ibid; brought in Kaf Hachaim ibid
[18] Leket Yosher p. 210 brings a dispute in this matter; Makor Chaim 551:9; Hisorerus Teshuvah 2:169; Eiyn Eliezer 48; Rivivos Efraim 1:367; Shaar Shimon Echad 1:91; Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:40; See Chazon Ovadia Shabbos 1:22 [permits even swallowing]; Halacha Berurah ibid Birur Halacha 15
[19] Hisorerus Teshuvah ibid; See Poskim ibid
[20] M”A 551:31 “It is implied that it is permitted to give meat and wine to a child this week [of Tishe Beav], as to begin with they were not accustomed to be stringent with a child, however only if he is not of age of mourning” based on Rama 551:10 who permits giving wine of Havdalah to child, and based on Hagahos Maimanis Minhagei Av 59, as explained in Machatzis Hashekel ibid [The M”A ibid negates the argument that the Rama’s allowance is limited to when there is a Mitzvah need involved in the eating or drinking, and proves that it applies in all cases]; Makor Chaim 551:9; Chayeh Adam 133:16; Divreiy Yatziv 2:236; Chanoch Lanaar 21 footnote 5; Or Letziyon 1:33; Yalkut Yosef; Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:41 [that this applies even according to the M”B brought next]; See Nitei Gavriel 38:1
Other Opinions: Some Poskim rule one may not give children meat or wine during the nine days. [Elya Raba 551:24; Degul Merivava 551:9, brought in Shaareiy Teshuvah 551:30, in negation of M”A ibid, based on the ruling of Rama 551:9 that the Shochtim stop Shechting during the nine days, and that children may only drink wine by Havdalah since it is a Mitzvah; M”B 551:70; Kaf Hachaim 551:155] Some Poskim rule that this applies to children of all ages. [Implication of Poskim ibid and Elya Raba ibid “Even complete children”] The Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid footnote 214 concludes that so is the custom of the world.
[21] M”A ibid; Makor Chaim 551:9; Chayeh Adam 133:16; All Poskim ibid
Other Opinions: Some Poskim rule that all children below Bar and Bas Mitzvah may eat meat until the week of Tisha B’av. [Chanoch Lanaar ibid based on Chayeh Adam, brought in M”B 551:82; However, see Chayeh Adam 133:16 from whom it is clearly implied that the prohibition for children of age of mourning begins from Rosh Chodesh] See regarding that all children below bar and bas Mitzvah are exempt from Aveilus restrictions after the loss of a relative r”l: Michaber Y.D. 396:3; Tur in name of Rosh; Shach in Nekudos Hakesef 340:15 based on Rosh and Tur and Michaber 396; M”A 551:38; Rokeiach Aveilus 314; Degul Merivava 340; Yad Avraham 381; Beis Hillel 381 based on Rashi Taanis 12b; Levushei Serud 340:15; Chochmas Adam 152:17; Pischeiy Teshuvah 340:10; Igros Moshe 1:124; Nitei Gavriel 105:25; and many Poskim in 127 footnote 1; See Pnei Baruch 25 footnote 9 See Pnei Baruch 25; Nitei Gavriel 127
[22] Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:41 footnote 179 in name of Chavos Yair and Meiam Loaz
[23] M”A ibid; Chayeh Adam ibid; All Poskim ibid in first footnote, and so agrees: Or Letziyon 1:33; Yalkut Yosef; Divreiy Yatziv 2:236 regarding chicken
[24] M”B ibid and all Poskim ibid who argue on M”A ibid at the very least would hold that children who have reached the regular age of Chinuch are prohibited, even if they have not yet reached the age of Chinuch for mourning; See Divreiy Yatziv 2:236; Chanoch Lanaar 21 footnote 5; Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:41
[25] Piskeiy Teshuvos 551 footnote 214
[26] Elya Raba ibid; Kaf Hachaim ibid
[27] Igros Moshe 4:21
[28] As besides for the fact it is considered Shabbos for him for all matters, it is considered a Seudas Mitzvah which may be eaten during the nine days. Upashut!
[29] Igros Moshe 3:80
[30] Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:15
[31] Slamas Chaim 4:4-24; Orchos Rabbeinu 2:133 in name of Chazon Ish; This matter is a mere stringency due to the prohibition of laundering. [Moadim Uzmanim 8:338]
[32] Beis Avi 2:132
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