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4. The identity of the musical sounds of a Tekiah/Shivarim/Teruah
Tekiah: The Tekiah is a single long blow which sounds like this: “Tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu”
Shevarim:[1] The Shevarim is made up of three medium blows. A number of customs exist in regards to how to sound these medium blows. Some[2] are accustomed to sound it as follows: “Tuuu-Tuuu-Tuuu”. Others[3] are accustomed to sound it as follows: Teuto-Teuto-Teuto. Others[4] are accustomed to sound it as follows: Teuto-Uto-Uto. The widespread Chabad custom is like the 3rd custom mentioned here.
Teruah: The Teruah is a number of very short blows blown consecutively and sounds like this: “Tu-Tu-Tu-Tu-Tu-Tu-Tu-Tu-Tu-Tu-Tu-Tu-Tu-Tu”
[1] Piskeiy Teshuvos 590:2
[2] Polish and Hungarian Chassidic Jewry
[3] Lithuanian and Russian Jewry; Custom of the Rebbe as brought in Otzer Minhagei Chabad p.121
The advantage of this custom: The advantage of this custom is that one is able to measure the three Terumatin required in the blow. [Mikraeiy Kodesh 17; See Halacha 7]
[4] Rav Yaakov Landau in name of the Rebbe Rashab, brought in Otzer Minhagei Chabad p.121; Mikraeiy Kodesh 17 in the name of Rav Chaim Brisker.
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