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7. Mashing and grinding Shemita produce:
It is forbidden to use Shemita produce for an uncommon use.[1] Thus, all fruits and vegetables that are commonly ground or mashed may likewise have this done even if they are Shemita produce. This includes tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, beets, apples. However, those fruits and vegetables that are not commonly mashed or ground may not have this done if they are a Shemita product. It is permitted however to mash these foods for the sake of children.
Squeezing and juicing Shemita produce:[2] It is only permitted to juice fruits and vegetables that are commonly juiced during the year. This includes grapes, olives, oranges, grapefruits, and lemons.
Q&A What is one to do with the leftover fruit after squeezing the fruit? It must either be eaten or put aside until it spoils.
May one use a Shemita lemon peel to clean dishes? No.
May one peel off an edible peel from Shemita produce? Yes. However, the peel is to be discarded in the Shemita garbage.
Shemita wine May one use Shemita wine for Kiddush?[3] One may only do so if the Shemita wine that spills on the plate will not go to waste and will also be drunk.
May one use Shemita wine for Havdala? One may only do so if the Shemita wine that spills on the plate will not go to waste and will also be drunk. One is thus not to dip the Havdala candle into the wine or place his fingers in it as is normally accustomed.
May one use Shemita wine for the four cups?[4] Shemita wine is valid for Kiddush and the four cups.[5] Nonetheless, one may only use it if the Shemita wine that spills on the plate will not go to waste and will also be drunk.[6] Thus, one may not use this wine for the spilling of the wine by the Makos.[7]
May one cook Shemita wine? Some Poskim[8] rule it is permitted to do so.[9]
May one make raisins from Shemita grapes?[10] Yes. |
Shemita oil May one use Shemita oil to light Shabbos candles?[11] Yes
May one use Shemita oil to light Chanukah candles? Some Poskim[12] rule one may not use Shemita oil to light the Chanukah candles [even if Heter Mechirah was done with it].[13] Others[14] however rule that such oil is permitted to be used.
May one use Shemita oil for smearing on a baking pan or frying pan? No.
May one smoke Tobacco of Kedushas Shevi’is?[15] Yes.
[1] Rambam 5:3
[2] Chazon Ish Sheviis 25:32; Grach Naah 15; See Toras HaShemita p. 22
[3] See Ridbaz on Peas Hashulchan 5:18
[4] See Ridbaz on Peas Hashulchan 5:18; Piskeiy Teshuvos 472:7
[5] Yerushalmi Shabbos 8:1; Shekalim 8; Pesachim 10; See Or Sameiach Shabbos 29:14; Har Tzevi 2:68; Cheshev Haeifod 2:37; Moadim Uzmanim 181
[6] Ridbaz ibid
[7] Sefer HaShemita p. 33; Mishnas Yosef 2:40; Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid; See however Shearim Hametzuyanim Behalacha 118:2 based on Chazon Ish to permit doing so if one will leave the wine in a plate and not discard it until it spoils.
[8] Ridbaz 24:6; Toras HaShemita p. 23; See Peas Hashulchan 24:6 for the two opinions in this matter.
[9] The reason: Although the wine will be diminished through the cooking process nevertheless this enhances the wine and is hence permitted.
[10] Peas Hashulchan 24:4
[11] Rambam 5:8
[12] Ridbaz 25:9; Levushei Mordechai 3:53; Maharash Engel 2:4; Imrei Yosher; Shevet Halevi 1:184
[13] The reason: It is forbidden to get benefit from the light of the Chanukah candles and thus by using such oil it is considered like one is destroying Shemita produce which is forbidden to be done.
[14] Minchas Shlomo 42; Kinyan Torah 3:17
[15] Chazon Ish 14:9; Bris Olam 3:17; Az Nidbaru 4:3
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