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Parshas Acharei Mos
Pesukim: 80 [Siman: כי כל]
Haftorah:[1] Amos 9:7-15
Number of Mitzvos:
There are a total of 28 Mitzvos in Parshas Acharei Mos; 2 positive commands and 26 negative commands. The following are the commands in the chronological order that they are brought in the Parsha.
A. Positive: 1. Mitzvah 185; Positive 90: For the Kohen Gadol to perform all the duties of Yom Kippur regarding the Karbanos and Seder Avoda. 2. Mitzvah 187; Positive 91: To cover the blood of a slaughtered Chayah and bird.
B. Negative: 1. Mitzvah 184; Negative 95: The prohibition for a Kohen to enter the Kodesh, with exception to the times of Avoda. 2. Mitzvah 186; Negative 96: Not to slaughter Kodshim outside the Azara. 3. Mitzvah 188; Negative 97: Not to perform sexually stimulating activities with an Erva, such as hugging and kissing, staring, flirting etc. 4. Mitzvah 189; Negative 98: Not to reveal the Erva of one’s father [i.e. have intercourse]. 5. Mitzvah 190; Negative 99: Not to reveal the Erva of one’s mother [i.e. have intercourse]. 6. Mitzvah 191; Negative 100: Not to reveal the Erva of one’s father’s wife [i.e. have intercourse]. 7. Mitzvah 192; Negative 101: Not to reveal the Erva of one’s sister, even if not from father’s wife [i.e. have intercourse]. 8. Mitzvah 193; Negative 102: Not to reveal the Erva [i.e. have intercourse] of one’s granddaughter, one’s son’s daughter. 9. Mitzvah 194; Negative 103: Not to reveal the Erva [i.e. have intercourse] of one’s granddaughter, one’s daughter’s daughter. 10. Mitzvah 195; Negative 104: Not to reveal the Erva of one’s daughter [i.e. have intercourse]. 11. Mitzvah 196; Negative 105: Not to reveal the Erva of one’s sister if she is one’s father’s wife’s daughter. 12. Mitzvah 197; Negative 106: Not to reveal the Erva of one’s aunt, one’s father’s sister [i.e. have intercourse]. 13. Mitzvah 198; Negative 107: Not to reveal the Erva of one’s aunt, one’s mother’s sister [i.e. have intercourse]. 14. Mitzvah 199; Negative 108: Not to reveal the Erva of one’s uncle, one’s father’s brother [i.e. have intercourse]. 15. Mitzvah 200; Negative 109: Not to reveal the Erva of one’s aunt, one’s father’s brother’s wife [i.e. have intercourse]. 16. Mitzvah 201; Negative 110: Not to reveal the Erva of one’s daughter in-law, one’s son’s wife [i.e. have intercourse]. 17. Mitzvah 202; Negative 111: Not to reveal the Erva of one’s sister in-law, one’s brother’s wife [i.e. have intercourse]. 18. Mitzvah 203; Negative 112: Not to reveal the Erva of a mother and daughter if married to one of them [i.e. have intercourse]. 19. Mitzvah 204; Negative 113: Not to reveal the Erva of a mother and her granddaughter, the daughter of her son, if married to one of them [i.e. have intercourse]. 20. Mitzvah 205; Negative 114: Not to reveal the Erva of a mother and her granddaughter, the daughter of her daughter, if married to one of them [i.e. have intercourse]. 21. Mitzvah 206; Negative 115: Not to reveal the Erva of one’s sister in-law, one’s wife’s sister [i.e. have intercourse]. 22. Mitzvah 207; Negative 116: Not to reveal the Erva of a Nida [i.e. have intercourse]. 23. Mitzvah 208; Negative 117: Not to give one’s offspring to Moleich. 24. Mitzvah 209; Negative 118: For a man not to have homosexual intercourse with a man. 25. Mitzvah 210; Negative 119: For a man not to have sexual relations with an animal. 26. Mitzvah 211; Negative 120: For a woman not to have sexual relations with an animal. |
- Death of Aaron’s sons:
- The Torah recounts the death of Aaron’s sons and the commands Hashem told Moshe as a result.
- The Avoda of Yom Kippur:
- Aaron may only enter the Kodesh when the cloud is on the Kapores.
- The offerings: Aaron is to bring a bull as a Chatas offering and a ram as an Oleh offering when he enters the Kodesh. He is to wear four linen garments during the service and is to immerse in a Mikveh prior to doing so. The nation is to bring to Aaron two goat offerings as a Chatas and a single ram as an Oleh.
- Aaron is to offer his bull as a Chatas and atone for himself and family.
- The service done with the two Chatas goats: The two goats are to be placed before the Ohel Moed. A raffle is to be made and one of the goats is to go to Hashem and the second is to go to Azazel. The goat which came out to Hashem is to be offered as a Chatas. The Azazel goat is to be sent to the desert.
- The bull of Aaron is to be offered.
- The Ketores: Coals and Ketores are to be brought to the Paroches. The Ketores is to be placed on the coals before Hashem.
- Sprinkling the blood in the Kodesh: The blood of the bull is to be sprinkled with his finger seven times onto the Paroches. The goat which came out to Hashem is to be offered as a Chatas and its blood sprinkled seven times by the Paroches. This procedure is followed in order to purify Bnei Yisrael and atone for their sins. No person is to be in the Ohel Moed when the Kohen enters into the Kodesh.
- Sprinkling the blood on the altar: The blood of the goat and bull is to be placed on the corners of the Mizbeiach. The blood is to be sprinkled seven times on the Mizbeiach.
- The live goat: The live goat is to be brought to Aaron. He is to lean on it and confess. The goat is then sent with an escort to the desert. The goat carries all the sins of the Jewish people.
- The Olah: Aaron is to change his clothing and offer his Olah offering, and the Olah offering of the nation.
Shelishi (Sheiyni when connected to Kedoshim)
- The Cheliv of the Chatas is to be offered onto the altar.
- The escort of the Azazal goat is to wash his clothing and immerse, prior to entering the camp.
- The bull and goat Chatas are to be taken outside of the camp and burnt. The one who burns the bull/goat is to wash his clothing and immerse, prior to entering the camp.
- Yom Kippur laws: The above Avoda is to be done in the 7th month, on the 10th day of the month. On this day everyone is to oppress himself. On this day no Melacha may be performed by anyone. On this day Hashem grants us atonement for our sins. It is a Shabbos of complete rest [i.e. Shabbos Shabbason], a day of oppression, forever. The Kohen Gadol is to perform the above service each year.
- Not to offer a sacrifice outside of the Temple:
- One who does not bring the offering to the Temple, and rather slaughters it in the camp, or outside the camp, is liable for Kares. Since he did not bring the sacrifice before Hashem, in the Mishkan, it is considered like blood for that man. He has spilled blood and he shall be cut off from his people. The Jewish people are to bring the Karban to the Mishkan before Hashem, to the Kohen, and have it slaughtered there. The Kohen will sprinkle its blood and offer its fat as a satisfying aroma for Hashem. They shall no longer slaughter their sacrifices to the demons who they stray after. This is an eternal law for all generations.
Chamishi (Sheleshi when connected to Kedoshim)
- Tell the Jewish people and their converts that if they bring an Olah or Shlamim offering outside the Temple, that man will be cut off from his people.
- Prohibition against eating blood:
- Any man of Israel who eats any blood is liable for excision, and I will cut him off from the Jewish people. The soul of all flesh is found in its blood, and it has been designated to be offered to the altar, to atone for your souls. Therefore, no man or convert shall eat blood.
- The Mitzvah to cover blood:
- Any Jew or convert who traps a wild animal [i.e. Chayah] or bird that may be eaten, is to have its blood covered with earth, as the soul of all flesh is found in its blood. Tell the Jewish people not to eat the blood of any flesh, as its soul is its blood, and one who consumes it will be cut off.
- Tuma received through eating Niveila/Treifa bird:
- One who eats a Niveila or Treifa [of a bird] becomes impure, and requires purification. He is to wash his garments and immerse in water and remains impure until evening. If he does not wash his clothing and does not immerse his flesh [and eats Kodshim or enters the Kodesh], he shall carry his sin.
- Not to follow the ways of the gentiles:
- Hashem spoke to Moshe saying, tell the Jewish people: Do not follow the ways of the land of Egypt where you lived, or the ways of the land of the Canaanites where I will bring you. Do not follow their statutes. Follow my laws and decrees as I am Hashem your G-d. Follow them and you shall live.
- The forbidden relations/Arayos:
- One is not to come close to any [of the following] relatives, to reveal their nakedness [and engage in marital relations].
- Do not reveal the Erva/nakedness of your father or mother [i.e. have intercourse].
- Do not reveal the Erva of your father’s wife.
- Do not reveal the Erva of your sister, including a half sister.
- Do not reveal the Erva of your granddaughter.
- Do not reveal the Erva of your sister if she is your father’s wife’s daughter (half sister).
- Do not reveal the Erva of your father’s sister.
- Do not reveal the Erva of your mother’s sister.
- Do not reveal the Erva of your father’s brother or his wife.
- Do not reveal the Erva of your daughter in-law.
- Do not reveal the Erva of your brother’s wife.
- Do not reveal the Erva of your mother and daughter or granddaughter.
- Do not reveal the Erva of your wife’s sister.
- Do not reveal the Erva of a Nida.
- Do not sleep with another man’s wife.
- Do not give your offspring to Moleich, do not desecrate the name of G-d.
Shevi’i (Revi’i when connected to Kedoshim)
- Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman. It is an abomination.
- A man may not lie with an animal.
- A woman may not lie with an animal.
- A warning to keep the land pure and not be expelled:
- Do not impurify your souls with all the above, as the gentiles who I am expelling became impure with them. They defiled the land and it vomited its inhabitants. You, however, shall guard yourselves from all of this, and not perform any of these abominations. Don’t cause the land to vomit you out due to your defilement as it did to the nations before you.
- Punishment of excision: Anyone who performs any of the above abominations shall be cut off from the Jewish people.
[1] So is followed by Ashkenazi and Chabad communities. However, Sepharadi communities read from Yechzkal 22:1-16. [See Rama 428:8 and Poskim ibid]
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