Respecting the Tefillin-Showing respect to one who is wearing Tefillin:
One is required to act in a respectful way while wearing Tefillin, and in the presence of Tefillin even when they are not being worn. There exists several laws relating to this matter, including whether one may talk while wearing the Tefillin, whether one may eat while wearing the Tefillin, whether one may sleep while wearing the Tefillin, the adherence to avoid erotic thoughts and flatulence while wearing the Tefillin, not to enter into a bathroom with the Tefillin, and so on and so forth of laws as will be discussed throughout this chapter. The following are some miscellaneous matters of respect that are not explicitly recorded in the Shulchan Aruch, and may not be very well known.
A. Standing up in front of one who is wearing Tefillin:
It is proper to stand in front of anyone who is performing a Mitzvah in one’s presence.[1] Some Poskim[2] hold it is an actual obligation to stand. Accordingly, it is proper [for one who is not wearing Tefillin[3]] to stand on behalf of one who is wearing Tefillin.[4]
B. Allowing one who is wearing Tefillin to pass first through the door:[5]
It is proper for one who is not wearing Tefillin to allow another who is wearing Tefillin to pass before him through the door. Furthermore, even one who simply has Tefillin in his hand is to be allowed to pass first.
[1] Ben Ish Chaiy Ki Seitzei 2:19
[2] Taz Y.D. 361:2 based on Michaber 361:4 and Tur 361 in name of Maharitz Geios and Yerushalmi who rules that one must stand by funeral because of the Gomlei Chassadim; and based on Kiddushin 33; Tanya chapter 46 “Therefore, the Sages obligated one to stand in front of one who is doing a Mitzvah even if he is a complete ignoramus”
The reason: As Hashem resides and becomes invested in the soul of the Mitzvah performer at the time of performance. [Tanya ibid] Alternatively, the source for this can be found from the fact that people would stand in honor of those who would bring the Bikurim fruits to the Temple [see Bikurim chapter 3] and in front of a child being brought for his circumcision. [See Bartenura ibid; Even Yisrael 8:5; Piskeiy Teshuvos 25:2]
[3] Piskeiy Teshuvos 25 footnote 26
[4] Even Yisrael 8:5; See Piskeiy Teshuvos 25:2
[5] Even Yisrael 8:5; See Piskeiy Teshuvah 157 in name of Brisker Rav; Piskeiy Teshuvos 25:2
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