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Blood test:[1]
It is forbidden to let blood on Erev Shavuos.[2] [Thus, one is not to have a blood test, or other form of blood work, done on Erev Shavuos, unless it involves a case of danger.[3]]
[1] Admur 468:22-23; M”A 468:15; Shabbos 129b
[2] The reason: As on the day of Shavuos, before Matan Torah, a spirit called Tavuach came and said that if the Jewish people do not accept the Torah he will slaughter them, their blood and flesh. Therefore, there is an everlasting danger in every generation to let blood on this day, which is Erev Shavuos. [468:22]
[3] Nitei Gavriel 8:3 based on Admur 468:23
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