Summary: An Avel of a parent during the year of Aveilus may not participate in a Seudas Bris Mila that is taking place outside of his home. If the Avel is having a Seudas Bris Mila take place in his home, then he may participate in the meal. In all cases, the Avel may participate in the actual ceremony of the Bris even outside of his home, including the light refreshments given afterwards, so long as he does not remain for the meal. Baal Bris-Bris of child within Shloshim-Mohel and Sandek: If an Avel [father or mother] is having a Bris for his son take place during Shloshim, he may wear Shabbos clothing until after the Mila, and may participate in the meal even during Shloshim, if it is taking place inside his home. The same applies if the Avel is a Mohel or Sandek.
Q&A See Halacha B for various Q&A relevant to this topic, recorded regarding Shloshim, and the same law applies within the year of Aveilus. The Q&A include the following topics
May those people who are permitted to participate in the meal do so even if there is music playing?[1] This matter is disputed in Poskim.[2] Practically, they are not to participate in the meal while the music is playing.
May an Avel enter the Seuda to simply wish Mazal Tov to the family?[3] It is permitted to do so long as there is no music playing at the time he enters, and he does not participate in the meal.
[1] Nitei Gavriel 23:27
[2] See Chochmas Adam 166:2 that by a Seudas Yesoma they may not play music; See however Chaim Sheol 1:84 and other Poskim in Nitei Gavriel ibid footnote 46 that one may participate even if music is playing.
[3] See Zera Emes 3:172; Tosfos Moed Katan 22b; Beis Shearim Y.D. 446; See Nitei Gavriel 23:8-9 footnotes 14-16
Tasting a little food: See Nitei Gavriel ibid who permits him to taste a little food based on M”A 551:10, however in my opinion this is incorrect as the Rama 391:2 writes “not to enter the meal” and the M”A ibid is discussing when there is no meal taking place but rather light refreshments.
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