Checklist for Bris
- It is customary to host a festive meal on Friday night after the birth of a male child.
- The menu: It is customary to serve Mezonos products as well as fruits, nuts, legumes, including lentils, chickpeas, alcoholic beverages, and beer by the Shalom Zachar.
- The father of the newborn male child is considered a Chiyuv on the Shabbos before the Mila [or Shabbos of the Mila, if he has not yet received an Aliyah after the birth].
- Sandek and Mohel: The Sandek and Mohel are considered a Chiyuv on the Shabbos before the Mila or Shabbos of the Mila. Nevertheless, the custom today is not to be particular in this matter, and not to treat them as a Chiyuv for an Aliya, and rather they are given a different honor such as Hagbah.
- Learning Torah near the child: One should study Torah near his child in order so his ears hear words of Torah.
- Having children recite verses of Scripture near the newborn each night prior to the Bris: It is customary for children to be invited to the home of the newborn prior to the Bris Milah to recite various verses of Scripture. This is customarily done each night, and especially on the night prior to the circumcision.
- The children are to recite [preferably near the newborn] the psalm of Shir Lamaalos, the verses of Kerias Shema until the end of the first paragraph, Hamalach Hagoel, the 12 Pesukim and statements of the sages.
- The children are given refreshments or treats for the occasion.
- Hosting a gathering: It is customary for the father of the child to host family, friends, and members of the community on the night prior to the Bris Milah.
- Learning Torah all night: It is customary for those gathered [and especially the father of the child] to stay awake throughout the night prior to the Bris Mila studying Torah in the house of the newborn.
- The Torah is to be studied [at least for some of the time] near the newborn child.
- At the very least, one should study Torah in the home until midnight.
- Hosting a meal: It is customary to serve a festive meal to those gathered on the night prior to the circumcision. It is no longer widely customary to serve an actual meal by this gathering, although it is customary to serve light refreshments and Lechayim.
- The Mohel, Sandek, and friends and relatives are to be invited to this meal.
- What is one to learn? It is customary to read several sections from the Zohar, verses of Tanach, as printed in certain select Siddurim and available in certain Sefarim written on the Mitzvah of circumcision.
- Each person who is present is to be honored with reading a section of the learning.
- It is customary for those gathered to also recite verses of the Shema with the newborn child, and so was the custom of the elderly Chassidim.
- Those present are to use the remainder of the time saying over words of Torah and retelling stories of Tzadikim throughout the night.
- Singing Zemiros: Some are accustomed to sing Zemiros at the Wach Nacht gathering.
- The best time of day-Zerizin Makdimim Lemitzvos: Zerizin Makdimin Lemitzvos and schedule the Bris in the early morning immediately after Shacharis. At the very least, it should take place prior to midday.
- Fasting: The custom of many is for the father of the newborn not to eat a meal prior to the circumcision. However, to eat a snack prior to the circumcision is permitted. However, some are accustomed for the father of the newborn to fast until after the circumcision.
- Melacha: Some Poskim rule that the father of the newborn is forbidden to perform Melacha [i.e. haircut, bathing, etc] on the day circumcision until the circumcision takes place.
- Tachanun: Tachanun is omitted in the Shul in which a Bris will be taking place that day. Tachanun is omitted in a Minyan in which the Baal Bris [i.e. father of child or Mohel, or Sandek] is participating in, even if the Bris will not be taking place in that Shul.
- Tachanun is recited in the Mincha prayer if it is taking place after the Bris.
- The Baalei Bris themselves do not recite Tachanun neither in Shacharis or Mincha on the day of the Bris, as it is their holiday. This applies even after the Bris has already taken place.
- Aliyah on day of Bris [i.e. Shabbos, Monday or Thursday etc]: The father of a newborn male child is considered a Chiyuv on the day of the Mila if it falls on a day of Kerias Hatorah [i.e. Shabbos, or Monday or Thursday]. Some are accustomed to treat a Mohel and Sandek as a Chiyuv on the day of the Bris. Nevertheless, the custom today is not be particular in this matter, and not to treat the Sandek and Mohel as a Chiyuv for an Aliya, and rather they are given a different honor, such as Hagbah.
- Mohel being Chazan: It is customary for the Mohel to lead the prayers as Chazan on the day of the circumcision.
- Tevila in a Mikveh: It is customary for the Sandek, Mohel, and the father of the child to immerse in a Mikveh in the morning in honor of the Bris.
- Haircut: It is customary for the Sandek, Mohel, and the father of the child to get a haircut in honor of the Bris. [It is best to do so the day before the Bris, and not the day of the Bris.]
- Shabbos clothing: It is accustomed that the father [and mother] of the child, the Mohel and the Sandek [and Kevatrin and grandparents] to wear Shabbos clothing for the Bris. [Furthermore, the custom is for also other close relatives to wear Shabbos clothing.]
- Dressing the baby in elegant clothing: In honor of the circumcision, the baby, who is the Chasan of the Bris, is to be dressed in elegant clothing similar to the day that he enters the chuppah.
- Wine for the blessings.
- Kiddush cup.
- Tallis for Father; Sandek and other Kibudim.
- Letter of Rebbe [Found in Shevach Habris/Bris Nasan]
- “Mashkeh” for Lechaim for the meal.
- Checks to pay Mohel; Hall, Caterer.
- Siddur with Harachamans.
- Dollar of Rebbe and Picture of Rebbe.
- Mezonos for after the Bris.
- Drinks for after the Bris.
- Sandek
- Kvater
- Brachos
- Amida Lebrachos
- Kisei Shel Eliyahu
- Lihasandek
- Mihakisei
- Mihasandek
- Chaika
*Rebbes letter
- The order of the Bris
- Minyan: When possible, there should be a Minyan present by the Bris.
- Tallis: It is customary for the father of the child, Sandek, and Mohel to wear a Tallis for the Bris. It is customary for the husband who is serving as the Kvater, as well as anyone who receives a Kibud by the Bris [i.e. Chaiyka; Amida Lebrachos, etc] to wear a Tallis while performing the Kibbud.
- Tefillin: On a day that a Bris Milah is taking place in the Shul right after the prayer then the Tefillin are not to be removed until after the Milah.
- Lighting a candle: It is customary to light candles at the time of the Bris Mila.
- Kvatrin: It is customary to have a married couple [by whom the wife is Tahor] bring the baby into the room for the Bris Mila.
- Bringing the baby inside: The mother is to hand the baby to the female Kevatrin. She then brings the baby to the entrance of the shul [or men’s section of the room] and has her husband take the baby from her and enter him into the shul.
- Stand: Everyone is to stand, and remain standing until the conclusion of the ceremony of the circumcision.
- Kevater: The word Kevater is announced [usually by the Mohel] and the baby is brought in.
- Baruch Haba: The congregation then recites Baruch Haba.
- Reciting Ashrei Tivchar: After the Baruch Haba is said, the congregation [and Mohel] recite aloud the verse of Ashrei Tivchar…Vayidaber…Pinchas Ben Elazar… until the words Brisi Shalom.
- Chaiyka: It is customary to honor a number of people to hold the child until the child is rested on the chair of Eliyahu Hanavi. [Some Poskim , however, write that this should only be done if each subsequent person holding the baby brings the baby closer to the chair of Eliyahu, and it should not be done in a way that the baby is simply passed around the room.]
- The honor of Kisei Shel Eliyahu: After the honoring of people for Chaika/Hagasha, an individual is honored to place the baby on the chair of Eliyahu.
- Zeh Hakisei and Verses recited by Mohel: Upon the baby being placed on the chair of Eliyahu, the Mohel is to announce “Zeh Hakisei Shel Eliyahu,” and recite other verses as printed in the Siddur. [This verbal designation of the chair for Eliyahu is extremely important as the Zohar implies that without it being announced Eliyahu does not come.]
- Meial Hakisei: After the child is placed on the Kisei Shel Eliyahu, an individual is honored to remove the child from the chair [i.e. Meial Hakisei]. The Sandek then sits on the chair.
- Al Hasandek-Placing the child on the Sandek: The father of the newborn is to place his son on the lap of the Sandek.
- Concentration: The father is to have Kavana to fulfill the positive command. In addition to the seriousness of the moment they should also be filled with joy that G-d has merited them to fulfill such a great Mitzvah which is similar to offering a sacrifice before G-d of which there is no greater level. If the Mohel has proper concentration, this will make a large effect above in heaven and this child will not hurriedly sin and the blood of the circumcision will be marked in the chambers of heaven near the throne of G-d.
- Stand next to Mohel: The father of the child is to stand next to the Mohel by the circumcision
- Knife: The father is to give the knife to the Mohel and appoint him as Shliach.
- Covering the Erva: There is no need to cover the Ervah of the baby prior to saying the blessing. Nonetheless, the Mohel is not to hold the Erva in his hand upon saying the blessing.
- Changing diaper: The child is to be cleaned from feces prior to the blessing. [Thus, if the child has soiled his diaper then his diaper is to be changed prior to the Mila.]
- Al Hamila said by Mohel: Prior to performing the circumcision, the Mohel is to recite the blessing of Al Hamila, which is immediately followed by cutting off the foreskin.
- Saying Shehechiyanu: The Sephardic custom is for the father to recite the blessing of Shehechiyanu. The Ashkenazi custom is not to say the blessing. [However, in Eretz Yisrael, many Ashkenazim are accustomed to reciting the blessing as do the Sephardim. However, the Chabad custom is not recite it even in Eretz Yisrael.]
- Lehachniso said by father: Immediately after the cutting of the foreskin, but prior to the performance of the Peria, the father of the child is to say the blessing of Lehachniso Bevriso Shel Avraham Avinu.
- Congregation answering Amen and saying Kisheim Shenichnas: Those who are present by the Bris and hear the blessing of Lehachniso of the father are to answer “Amen” and then continue and say “Kisheim Shenichnas Lebris Kein Yikaneis Letorah Lechupa Ulimaasim Tovim.”
- Peria and Metzitza: Immediately after the foreskin is cut, the Mohel is to quickly perform the Peria and Metzitza.
- The Arla: The Arla is placed into earth or sand.
- Meial Hasandek: After the completion of the circumcision, an individual is honored to receive the baby from the lap of the Sandak.
- Amida Lebrachos – Sandak Sheini or Sandek Meumad: The individual who is honored to receive the baby from the lap of the Sandak then hands over the baby to the individual who is honored to hold the baby for the blessings. He holds onto the baby in a standing position while the blessings of Hagafen and Koreis Habris is recited opposite him.
- Pour cup of wine: A cup of wine is poured for the sake of saying the blessings over it and for the recital of the naming of the child.
- The blessings: An individual is then honored to recite the blessings of Borei Peri Hagafen, and Asher Kideish Yedid Mibeten which concludes with the words Korei Habris.
- Kayeim Es Hayeled: The previous blessings of Borei Peri Hagafen and Asher Kideish Yedid Mibeten is then followed by the prayer of Kayeim Es Hayeled Hazeh and the naming of the child.
- Repeating Bedamayich Chayi: The phrase of “Bedamayich Chayi” is to be repeated twice.
- Wine in mouth of baby: Upon saying these words of “Bedamayich Chayi” the Mohel is to place wine into the baby’s mouth, through dipping his finger in the cup of wine. The wine is to be placed into the baby’s mouth each time that the phrase is repeated.
- Forming the name Shakaiy: Upon placing the wine in the mouth of the baby, the Mohel is to make a form of the name Shakaiy upon doing so.
- Drinking the wine: After the prayer of Elokeinu is recited, a child who is over the age of Chinuch is to be given to drink from the wine. Alternatively, the person who said the blessing is to drink it himself.
- Ribono Shel Olam: After drinking the wine, both the father of the newborn and the Mohel should recite the prayer of Ribono Shel Olamin in which they beseech G-d that the child merit to receive a high soul and study Torah and teach it to others and that he be blessed with a long life, as printed in the Siddur.
- Mi Shebeirach: After the recital of the Ribono Shel Olamin prayer by the father and Mohel, the Mohel alone recites a Mi Shebeirach for the child.
- Aleinu Leshabeiach: The above prayers are then followed by the prayer of Aleinu Leshabeiach which is recited by the entire congregation. This is then followed by Kaddish Yasom.
- Kaddish Yasom
- Returning baby to Kevater: After the completion of the ceremony, the person holding the baby is to return him to the male Kevater who then brings the baby to his wife the female Kevater who originally brought the baby into the room.
- When: The meal should be held on the same day as the Bris [unless it is a fast day in which case it is to take place the following night].
- Minyan of participants: It is customary to have at least a Minyan of men participate in the festive meal that is held for the occasion of the Bris.
- Inviting the poor: It is customary to invite paupers to participate in this meal, and this helps to banish any prosecutions from the prosecuting angel above in heaven.
- The menu: One should wash on bread for this festive meal. One should serve animal meat and wine during this meal. One who cannot afford animal meat should serve poultry. One who cannot afford poultry should serve fish. However, one should not serve only dairy, without serving fish, although some are Milameid Zechus on those who only serve dairy for the meal.
- Mamar and Devar Torah: Words of Torah that relate to the mitzvah of circumcision should also be recited during the festive meal. It is customary amongst Chassidim for the father to say over a Maamer on the subject of Bris Milah during the meal. [Many are accustomed to review the Hasidic discourse of the Alter Rebbe “Bietzem Hayom Hazeh Nimul Avraham” printed in Torah Or Parshas Lech Licha p. 13.]
- Zemiros and Daled Bavos: It is customary to sing Zemiros during the festive meal held on occasion of the Bris. The Chabad custom is to sing the Niggun of Daled Bavos of the Alter Rebbe during the meal.
- Donate to Yeshiva: The Chabad custom is to donate during the meal, or after the meal, a sum of money to a Yeshiva as a pre-payment towards tuition for one’s child in that Yeshiva.
- Buy letter in Sefer Torah: One should buy a letter in a Sefer Torah for the baby after the Bris Milah.
- Birchas Hamazon: One does not recite Shehasimcha Bemiono by Birchas Hamazon being that the child is found in a state of pain and hence the joy is not complete. At the conclusion of Birchas Hamazon, prior to the Harachaman of Yizakeinu Leyemos Hamashiach, one is to recite the six Harachamans for a Bris Mila. One can honor six different people to recite it. The fourth Harachaman should not be recited by the Mohel [as a it is a blessing towards him] but rather by someone else. Likewise, the first Harachaman should not be said by the father of the child [as it is blessing him]. Likewise, the second Harachaman should not be said by the Sandek [as it is blessing him].
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