Confessing and then requesting livelihood:[1]
It is proper [based on Kabala] for one to confess [his personal sins[2]] in Shomeia Tefila using a singular wording [i.e. Chatasi, Avisi, Pashati[3]] and then request [money for] his sustenance. This applies even if one is wealthy [and does not need money, nevertheless he is to confess and request it from Hashem].
[1] Admur 119/2; M”A 119/1; Arizal in Shaar Hakavanos Derush 6; Peri Eitz Chaim; Zohar Balak 195b; Shelah Hakadosh, brought in Siddur Yaavetz; Elya Raba 119 in name of Seder Hayom; M”B 119/4; Kaf Hachaim 119/3
[2] If one has a new sin which he transgressed he is to explicitly mention it and supplicate to Hashem for forgiveness and resolve not to repeat the transgression. [Shalmei Tzibur brought in Shaareiy Teshuvah 119/1; M”B ibid] One is to confess the new sin in within the adjacent prayer. [Elya Raba ibid in name of Seder Hayom; Kaf Hachaim ibid] One is to say this confession with a broken heart and with tears, and with a broken and teary voice. [Shalmei Tzibur ibid; Kaf Hachaim ibid]
Day that Tachanun is omitted: It is disputed as to whether one may confess his sins in Shomeia Tefila on days that Tachanun is omitted. [See Piskeiy Teshuvos 119 footnote 19]
[3] M”A ibid
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