Definition of Bitachon – Security & Tranquility:[1]
The term Bitachon means security, which emphasizes that one is tranquil due to his trust in G-d. Bitachon means that one trusts in G-d to the point that he feels no worry and anxiety whatsoever about the issue, and is completely relaxed about it.[2] As the Talmud[3] states “One who worries about tomorrow is considered lacking faith.” As explained in Chovos Halevavos[4], “The essence of Bitachon is the tranquility of the soul of the person trusting, and that his heart relies on the person he is trusting in that he will do the good and proper in the matter that he is trusting in him for.” The service of Bitachon requires that one lean on G-d completely, to the point that he throws his entire future into the hands of G-d and does not make any calculations as to the chances of him being saved from his worries. Meaning that he completely feels that his entire future rests solely in the hands of G-d, and not on anyone else, similar to a slave who was thrown into a pit by his master[5], and relies only on his master to take him out and not anything else. Thus, even if there is no natural way that one can think of for one to escape his troubles, he still retains the same level of trust that G-d who is not limited by nature will save him. The ability to achieve such trust to the point that one is no longer worried about the issue due to his absolute faith in G-d, is a matter of such great spiritual toil and achievement, that this itself is what will merit him to deserve G-d’s kindness even if he is unbefitting, as explained in E.
[1] See Likkutei Sichos Vol. 36 Sicha 1, printed in Shaareiy Bitachon 27; In “In Good Hands”
[2] A Mashal: One’s trust in G-d is to be to the point that he does not worry at all about the possibility of his needs and desires not being fulfilled. Just like one who owes money for a debt, a bill or a mortgage, does not worry about how he will pay the money he owes if he has enough money in the bank, similarly one is not to worry about the matters in which he trusts in G-d. The guarantee that the money in the bank will be available for when he needs to pay the debt is not certain. Anything can occur between now and then, and nevertheless one does not worry. Why? As we trust our current situation and do not worry about out of ordinary occurrence even though there is no guarantee they will not occur. All the more so with trust in G-d. G-d provides man all his needs, and He will continue to do so. All is in his hand and having trust in him is no less of a guarantee than the money in the bank, and hence there is no need to worry of the possibility of ones wishes not being fulfilled as we do not worry about out of ordinary circumstances. In other words a person’s knowledge that G-d is in charge of everything in the world and can make anything happen is itself a reason for the person to have enough trust in him that nothing bad will occur and that even when he currently sees no reality of how his needs will be fulfilled he views it as if he already has all the means to fulfill it and there is no reason to suspect that this will not occur.
[3] Sotah 48b
[4] Chovos Halevavos Shaar Habitachon 1
[5] See Chovos Halevavos Chapter 2 Hasiba Hashishis; 3 Hakdama 1 Inyan Chamishi
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