5. Engaging in activities prior to Davening:[1]
- It is forbidden for one to engage in activities prior to Davening Shemoneh Esrei, in order so one’s mind is free from distractions until after he Davens.
6. Traveling prior to Davening:[2]
- Due to the above restriction, it is forbidden to travel prior to Davening, unless ones ride is leaving and will not be waiting for him.
- If one needs to travel before sunrise and will be unable to stand for Shemoneh Esrei during the trip past sunrise, then he may say Shemoneh Esrei before sunrise from after the time of Shema.
7. Shopping prior to Davening:[3]
- One may not go shopping prior to Davening. However, if he needs food for Shabbos then he may go shopping prior to Davening Shacharis if all the following apply:
- He will be unable to go shopping afterwards or the food item will be unavailable afterwards.
- He says Shema prior to the shopping.
- It is not definite that he will miss Zman Tefila due to the shopping.
- He will not questionably miss Zman Tefila and also definitely miss Davening with a Minyan due to the shopping. If he will certainly not miss Zman Tefila but will definitely miss Davening with a Minyan he is first to make his purchases, unless he is needed for the Minyan.
8. Matters forbidden before Mincha:[4]
- All matters which are forbidden prior to Mincha are likewise forbidden 30 minutes prior to Alos Hashachar until one Davens.
9. Haircut prior to Davening:[5]
- It is forbidden to get a haircut prior to Davening.
- This prohibition begins from Alos Hashachar. However prior to Alos it is permitted to get a haircut.
9. Bathing prior to Davening:[6]
- It is forbidden to bathe prior to Davening.
- This prohibition begins from Alos Hashachar. However prior to Alos it is permitted to bathe.
10. Exercise before Davening:[7]
- Ideally, due to the prohibition against doing Melacha before Shacharis, one is not to schedule his exercise for the morning prior to Davening.
- However, if this is the only timespan available within one’s day, or it helps one be alert and awake for Davening, then one may do so, after reciting Birchas Hashachar.
[1] Admur 89:4; Ketzos Hashulchan 11:5
[2] Admur 89:4 and 9; Ketzos 20:2
[3] Admur 250:3; Ketzos Hashulchan 11:5
[4] Ketzos Hashulchan 11:5
[5] Admur 70:5; 89:8
[6] Admur 70:5; 89:8
[7] See Michaber 89:3; Admur 89:4; Rivivos Efraim 5:39; Tefila Kehalacha 6:23; Asei lecha Rav 4:26; Piskeiy Teshuvos 89:15; Divrei Chachamim 1:2 in name of Rav Elyashiv; Hatefila Vehilchoseha p. 42
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