Forgot to say Bracha – What to do if one forgot and ate without reciting a blessing:[1]
If one forgot to say a blessing prior to eating the food and has already swallowed the food, then since it is disputed amongst the Poskim as to whether a blessing should still be said, therefore, it is proper for him to further eat some of that food and then recite a blessing over it. [Certainly he must recite a blessing if he anyways planned to continue eating the food, such as if he began eating an apple without a blessing, then he must say the blessing prior to taking another bite. The novelty of the above ruling states furthermore, that even if he already finished eating the apple and only then remembered that he did not recite the blessing, then he should eat another apple for the sake of saying the blessing, and have it include the apple that he ate without a blessing according to those Poskim who say the blessing works retroactively.]
[1] Admur 167:11; Ketzos Hashulchan 55:8
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