How to measure the value of the captive:
Some Poskim[1] rule that we follow the market value of the captive as he would be sold on the slave market [which was legal and common in previous times]. Other Poskim[2] rule that it follows the captives personal financial status, and as to whether he is wealthy or poor. Other Poskim[3] rule that it follows the black-market value for Gentile captives as accepted throughout the world.
[1] Rashi Kesubos 52b; Ritva Kesubos 52b in name of Rashi and Raavad; Maggid Mishneh Ishus 14:19; Nimukei Yosef; Piskei Riaz; Meiri Gittin 45a; Maharam Milublin 15, brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah 252:5 [there he rules that this applies even today even though there is no longer a slave market in most of the world, and one must measure the value based on countries which have a slave market even today’s, such as in Arab countries]; Beir Hagoleh E.H. 78:2; Pesakim Uteshuvos 252:3
[2] Meiri Kesubos 52b; Opinion brought and negated in some Poskim ibid; See Shevet Halevi 5:137-4; Derech Emuna 8:77
[3] Radbaz 1:40 that so is the custom, brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah 252:5; Possible implication of Michaber E.H. 78:2; Pesakim Uteshuvos 252:3
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