Igara Detanisa - Redeem Your Fast
Igara Detanisa – Giving charity on a fast day:[1]
It is an ancient[2] custom which is practiced until this very day to give charity on a fast day. So is likewise the Chabad custom.[3] [This is officially known as “Igara Detanisa,” taken from a phrase in the Talmud[4] discussing giving charity on a fast. The concept of giving charity on a fast day is hinted to in its Hebrew term “Taanis” which contains the Hebrew words Ani and Ten, which means to give to the poor.[5]]
Its source and meaning: The concept of giving charity on a fast day is first mentioned in the Talmud[6] “Igra Detanisa Tzidkasa/the reward of the fast is the charity.” The commentators differ as to the meaning of this statement. Some[7] explain that it means that the main reward one gets for fasting is for the charity that one distributes after the fast towards paupers who do not have what to eat and fasted that day. Others[8] explain that since according to some Talmudic[9] opinion it is considered sinful to fast, therefore we give charity on the fast day in order to receive the reward. Others[10] explain that the entire purpose of a fast day is to arouse a person in repentance and good deeds, and hence there is no more opportune time to distribute charity then on a fast day. Others[11] explain that since one saves money when he fasts, as he does not eat a meal, therefore he may not fully fast for the sake of heaven, and hence we distribute money to charity in exchange for the meals, so one does not benefit at all from the fast.
Custom or obligation: The above matter of distributing charity on a fast day, is not an obligation which was instituted by the sages but rather a custom.
When to give it: It is customary to give the charity prior to Mincha.[12] Nonetheless, there were communities who were accustomed to collect the charity in the morning.[13]
Amount to give: Some are accustomed to donating the worth of their meal towards charity.[14] In previous times when the Gabai collected the funds, he would place a set “tax” on every member of the community based on his income and on whether he had fasted that day.[15]
How to give it:[16] The charity is to be distributed with a happy and joyous countenance.
Who collects it: In previous times, the Gabai would make rounds amongst the community on the day of the fast, collecting charity money.
[1] See Brachos 6b, and Rashi, Meiri and Mahrsha ibid; Tosafus Megillah 21a; Mateh Moshe 755; Siddur Haminhagim Tirana Minhag RC Iyar 4; Elya Raba 566:2; P”M O.C. 566 M”Z 3; M”B 566:12; Kaf Hachaim 566:15; Chida in Simchas Haregel; Toras Menachem Hisvadyos 5749 2:460 footnote 35; Likkutei Sichos 25:471
[2] Siddur Haminhagim Tirana Minhag RC Iyar 4
[3] Toras Menachem Hisvadyos 5749 2:460 footnote 35; Likkutei Sichos 25:471
[4] Brachos 6b
[5] Chida in Simchas Haregel
[6] Brachos 6b
[7] Rashi Brachos ibid
[8] Siddur Haminhagim Tirana Minhag RC Iyar 4
[9] Shmuel Taanis 11a
[10] Meiri Brachos ibid
[11] Maharsha Brachos ibid; Likkutei Chaver Ben Chaim; Toras Menachem Hisvadyos 5749 2:460 footnote 35
[12] Elya Raba 566:2; Tosafus Megillah 21a; Kaf Hachaim ibid
The reason: In order to approximate the charity to the verse which is read in the Haftorah from Yeshaya 56:1 “Shamru Mishpat Veasu Tzedaka” [Tosafus ibid] Alternatively, it is given at night in order so one can estimate how much money he saved in his meals and give that amount to charity. [Elya Raba ibid]
[13] Minhagei Amstradam
[14] Elya Raba 566:2 “Some are accustomed”; P”M O.C. 566 M”Z 3; M”B 566:12; Kaf Hachaim ibid; See Toras Menachem Hisvadyos 5749 2:460 footnote 35
[15] See Seder Troish
[16] Likkutei Sichos 25:471; See Michaber Y.D. 249:3; Rambam Matanos Aniyim 10:4
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