Is one required to remove Terumos Umaasros from an onion which grew sprouts?[1]
No. There is no need to remove Terumos Umaasros from the sprouts which naturally and unintentionally grew on an onion which already had Terumos Umaasros separated from it, or was never required to have Terumos Umaasros separated from it [i.e. Yivul Chul]. One may thus eat the sprouts without first removing Terumos Umaasros from it.
[1] Yerushalmi Maasros 5:1 [see Ridbaz ibid]; Tosafos Eiruvin 77a; See also: Shabbos 68a; Brachos 40b; Nedarim 55b; Arla 1:2; Rambam Shabbos 8:2; Maaser 1:10 and Shemita Veyoveal 1:6; Beis Dovid 1:3; Har Tzevi Zraim 2:31; Mishpitei Aretz Terumos Umaasros 1:12-14; Hatorah Veha’aretz 3:215-217; Shulchan Aruch Hakatzar 58:10; Terumas Shimon p. 179-182
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