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C. The trouble and exertion of making a livelihood helps one reach a higher level:[1]
In addition to the fact that we find that the flood is referred to as the waters of Noah we also find that the exertion that is entailed in making a living is also referred to as the waters of Noah. The reason for this is as follows: Avraham our forefather was given a choice by G-d to choose for his children either the difficulty in making a living, or Gehenom, as a way of cleansing the soul in order to reach high levels in service of G-d. Just as we find that after one’s passing his soul is not able to enter the garden of Eden and bask in the Ray of the divine presence until he first passes through Gehenom, as was stated by Acher that it is better for him to be judged in purgatory and then enter the world to come. In addition, his soul must first be immersed in the Dinar river in order to enter the next world. Now, just as it is regarding Gehenom that it is so powerful and strong to the point that it allows one to enter the garden of Eden, so too it is regarding rising from level to level in service of G-d, that the exertion of making a livelihood helps one reach a higher level. Now, the definition of livelihood troubles should not be mistaken to refer to the fact that we have taxes that are collected from us, as even during Temple times when we had a Jewish king we were taxed, and the tax was a large amount, as is known that we had to give 10% of our income to the king. Rather, the intent of livelihood troubles refers to the fact that in today’s times we have a lot of difficulty in making a living, and one must exert himself in many dealings of the physical world in order to bring himself an income. This is in contrast to Temple times in which the G-dly blessing was so powerful and strong to the point that the land of Israel literally flowed with milk and honey in a supernatural way, and there was no worry or stress of making a living at that time. However, one should not be downtrodden over the fact that today one must involve himself very much in physical activity in order to make a livelihood, as in truth these great waters are considered the waters of Noah, as they help bring one’s soul to a higher level.
D. How one’s preoccupation in making a livelihood helps one reach higher spiritual levels:[2]
Although from the onset, the preoccupation in making a livelihood seems to diminish one’s capability of serving G-d and revealing one’s love for Him, in truth, this preoccupation serves as a catalyst to reveal a much deeper emotion. The explanation is as follows: When one is involved in worldly matters, and removes his attention from those matters and focuses on serving G-d, then he is performing the divine services of Iskafya and Ishapcha, and causing there to be a greater light due to the fact that it came out from the darkness. [Just as a candle shine’s more at night than during the day, so too one’s service of G-d, and the divine light that it elicits, is greater highlighted when it comes specifically from a place of darkness, which is from an area that is devoid of G-dliness and involves worldly matters.] Furthermore, he is able to experience a greater emotion of love for G-d, as since in his preoccupation with making a livelihood he was in a place of darkness which is devoid of any revealed G-dliness’s, his need and passion to attach to G-d is a lot greater and stronger. [Just as a person has a greater desire and need to quench himself with water after running a marathon which caused him to lose liquids from his body, so too it is regarding one’s desire for G-dliness that one’s preoccupation with matters that are void of G-d in a revealed plane creates a much greater desire to attach to Him.]
[1] Torah Or p. 8d
[2] Torah Or p. 9a
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