Letting your parents speak first and not to interrupt:[1]
A child is not the speak before his parents if his parents desire to speak. Rather, he should first have them speak and then speak after them. [For example, if a question is asked to the general public which includes a father and son who both have an answer, the son is to allow his father to answer first. Likewise, when the father and son are chitchatting within a group, the son should allow his father to express himself first before jumping the conversation. Likewise, when one’s father or mother is speaking about something, such as on the Shabbos table, a child should not interrupt them until they are done even if they feel they have something relevant that they would like to also share. Rather they should let their parents finish their thoughts and only afterwards share whatever it is they have on their minds. This is unlike that which is accustomed today in some homes in which a parent only begins to say something and all of a sudden, every child has something to say and share and comment without letting the parent finish his sentence. Of course, when the parent desires the dialogue within his conversation and statement, then this is allowed.]
[1] See Semak Mitzvah 7; Sifsei Chachamim Vayikra 19:3; Sefer Cheshbonos Shel Mitzvah 33; Rashi Vayikra 10:19; Bereishis 24:50; Menoras Hamaor 4 p. 19; Yerushalmi Peiah 1:1 “Velo Midaber” and Mefarshim there [Pnei moshe; Ra’ah Poldah]; Encyclopedia Talmudit Erech Morah Av Vaeim Vol. 42 p. 584 footnotes 234-240
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