May one do laundry during the nine days if all of a certain article of clothing is dirty [i.e. socks, undershirt, shirt, pants]?
A. Introduction:[1]It is forbidden to wash or launder clothing during the nine days.[2] This applies even if one uses plain water, without detergent.[3]
The type of clothing included in the prohibition:[4] It is forbidden to launder clothing of any material, even linen.[5] It is forbidden to launder any cloth, even if not worn on the body, such as towels, tablecloth, or linens for the bed.
B. The law:
From Rosh Chodesh Av until the week of Tishe Beav:[6] If one only owns a single shirt and it became dirty then even according to the Ashkenazi custom, one may launder it up until the week of Tisha B’av. [Likewise, if one owns more than one pair of a certain clothing and all of that clothing has become dirty, then one may wash the clothes he needs up until the week of Tisha B’av.[7] However, this only applies to clothing that regularly become dirty and sweaty and is hence changed often. Thus, one may launder socks, underclothing and shirts if all that clothing has become dirty, up until the week of Tisha B’av.[8]]
The week of Tishe Beav:[9] Even if one only owns a single shirt and it became dirty [but is still wearable[10]], one may not launder it in the week of Tisha B’av. [If Tisha B’av falls on Sunday the week beforehand is not considered the week of Tisha B’av.[11] However, if Tisha B’av falls on Shabbos and was pushed off to Sunday, it is disputed as to whether the entire week beforehand as the week of Tisha B’av[12], and the Ashkenazi custom is to be stringent in this matter.[13]]
Q&A Must one launder all his clothing before the nine days, in order so he does not need to launder them during the nine days?[14] Yes. Must one purchase enough clothing before the nine days, in order so he does not need to launder them during the nine days?[15] No. He is not required to purchase more clothing before the nine days, so he does not have to do laundry. If one is traveling during the nine days, must he take with him enough clothing so he does not need to wash any of his clothing during the nine days? Some Poskim[16] rule it he is required to do so. Other Poskim[17] rule he is not required to do so, and may wash the dirty clothing until the week of Tisha B’av. If one’s clothing became dirty to the point of being unwearable, and one does not have another pair, may it be washed during the week of Tisha B’av?[18] Yes.Is it better to purchase a new article of clothing during the nine days that to wash it if one ran out of that article clothing? Some Poskim[19] rule that it is better for one to purchase a new article of clothing during the nine days, if he has run out of any clean pairs, then to resort to washing it during the nine days.[20] Other Poskim[21], however, rule that it is better to launder the clothing then to purchase a new article of clothing.[22] |
[1] 551:3-6; Mishneh Taanis 26b
Ruling of Michaber and Sephardim: The Michaber ibid rules it is only forbidden to launder clothing during the week Tisha B’av, and so is the Sephardic custom.
[2] Michaber ibid and Mishneh ibid regarding the week of Tisha B’av and Rama 551:3 and 4 that we are stringent beginning from Rosh Chodesh Av
The reason: As it appears that one is removing his mind from the mourning. [M”A 551:12; Rashi Taanis 29; See Levushei Serud 551]
Custom or letter of the law? The root of this prohibition is from the letter of the law and is not a mere custom. However, from the letter of the law it only applies during the week that Tisha B’av falls in. [Michaber ibid; Mishneh Taanis 26b and Gemara 30a following the opinion of Raban Shimon Ben Gamliel] However, the Ashkenazi custom is to forbid laundering from the beginning of the nine days. [Rama 551:3 and 4 in name of Minhagim; Rokeaich and Or Zarua]
The forms of laundry that are prohibited: All laundry is forbidden from the letter of the law during the week of Tisha B’av, and according to custom also during the nine days, if one intends to wear the clothing during the nine days. If one plans to wear the clothing after Tisha B’av, then from the letter of the law, certain laundering is permitted, as explained in the next footnote. [Beis Yosef 551; M”B 551:22; Kaf Hachaim 551:52
[3] See Michaber ibid that so is custom and that some say that clean water is Ghutz; See Kaf Hachaim 551:58
[4] Michaber 551:3
[5] See previous footnotes for discussion regarding linen clothing
[6] Elya Raba 551:12; Chayeh Adam 133:12; M”B 551:29; Kaf Hachaim 551:60; Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:24; Michaber 551:3 rules even if one only has one shirt available he may not wash it during the week of Tisha B’av until after Tisha B’av. Thus, regarding before the week of Tisha B’av we are lenient like the Michaber in this matter even though we are stringent [unlike the Michaber] regarding other laundry.
[7] Or Letziyon 3:27-1; Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:24
[8] Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:24
[9] Michaber 551:3; Ramban in Toras Hadam
[10] See Q&A!
[11] M”A 551:17 that this applies according to all [even according to the 2nd opinion in Michaber 551:4
[12] Michaber 551:4
[13] Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:23, following the ruling of the M”A 551:35 as explained in Levushei Serud and P”M 551 A”A 35
[14] Or Letziyon 3:27-2; Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:24
[15] Or Letziyon 3:27-2; Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:24
[16] Nitei Gavriel 16:8 in name of Rav SZ”A, Rav Elyashiv
[17] Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:21 in name of Chol Hamoed Kehilchaso and Rav Moshe Feinstein
[18] Nitei Gavriel 35:5 in name of Manhig Hilchos Tisha B’av
[19] Rav Elyashiv, brought in Sefer korei Alaiy Moed 4 footnote 2 and Piskeiy Teshuovs 551 footnote 216; Sefer Emes Leyaakov of Rav Kaminetzky 551 footnote 513; Gam Ani Odecha 3:174 in name of Rav Elyashiv; Teshuvah Mibei Midrasha 1:62; See also regarding Chol Hamoed: Bier Moshe 7:6
[20] The reason: As washing clothing during the nine days is based on an explicit prohibition in the Mishnah, and likewise by doing so and transgresses to restrictions one against washing the clothing and the second against wearing freshly laundered clothing. On the other hand, buying new clothing during the nine days is not an explicit prohibition from the Talmud.
[21] Tzohar 14:51 in name of Rav Elyashiv
[22] The reason: As by buying the clothing when transgresses two prohibitions one being purchasing new clothing and the second being wearing new clothing, while by washing clothing during the nine days one only transgresses one prohibition, as he can place it on the floor after it is washed and avoid the prohibition against wearing freshly washed clothing
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