Not to cause pain to one’s father or mother:[1]
It is forbidden for one to cause pain to one’s parents. This prohibition applies even after their death being that they are aware of what happens in this world.[2] This prohibition is included within the mitzvah to honor one’s parents.[3] Some Poskim[4] however learn that this prohibition is included within the mitzvah the fear one’s parents. Other Poskim[5] learn that this prohibition is included within the prohibition against hitting and cursing one’s father or mother and causing them pain is actually worse in the eyes of heaven than hitting them without causing a wound.[6] Other Poskim[7] learn that this prohibition is included within the prohibition against shaming one’s father or mother and doing so carries a scriptural curse as stated in chapter 7.
[1] See Shach 240:20; Kiddushin 31a; 32a; Sheilasos Samech; Igeres Hateshuva of Rabbeinu Yona; Orchos Chaim of Rosh 56; Rav Akiva Eiger 1:68; Ralbag Parshas Yisro; Encyclopedia Talmudit Erech Kibud Av Vaeim Vol. 26 p. 384 footnotes 193-200; Encyclopedia Talmudit Erech Morah Av Vaeim Vol. 42 pp. 611-612 footnotes 473
[2] Sefer Chassidim 571; See Radbaz Mamrim 6:11; Maharam Shick on Taryag Mitzvos 33
[3] Kiddushin ibid; Ralbag ibid; Igeres Hateshuva ibid; Rav Akiva Eiger ibid; Tochachas Chaim Toldos
[4] See Terumas Hadeshen 40; Darkei Moshe Y.D. 240:3; Chareidim Asei 1:26; Encyclopedia Talmudit ibid footnote 197
[5] Chasam Sofer Bava Metzia 62a; See Shach ibid
[6] Sefer Chassidim 574
[7] Meshech Chochmah Parshas Ki Savo; Haemek Sheila on Sheilasos 6
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