Laws relating to Pod Plants:
Removing growths or seeds from a pod plant: It is forbidden to uproot any seeds or growth from a pod plant even if the pod contains no breathing holes, and is placed in one’s attic.[1]
Moving a pod plant from one place to another:[2] It is forbidden to move a pod plant that contains a breathing hole from on top of a peg and place it directly on the earth[3] or from on the earth and place it onto a peg[4] [or to lift it from the earth and place it in another area of the earth[5]]. If the pod does not contain any holes then if its pod is made of earthenware or wood, it likewise may not be moved from a peg to the earth or vice versa.[6] [If however the pod does not have a breathing hole and is made of metal or glass, then it may be moved from one area to another.[7] If a pod that does not have a hole contains a plant which hovers over the earth, past the boundary of the pod, then the entire pod is considered as if it is attached to the ground and may not be moved just like a pod which has a hole.[8]]
It is only permitted to move a pod from one area to another if all the following conditions are fulfilled:
- The pod does not contain a breathing hole
- The plant in the pod does not hover over the earth past the boundary of the pod.
- The pod is made of metal or glass; not earthenware or wood
- One is moving it to use its space or to use in a different area. However one may not do so to save it from damage.[9]
How large does the hole of a pod have to be for it to be considered a breathing hole?
Some Poskim[10] rule if the hole is 2 square cm. then it is large enough to be considered a breathing hole.
Others[11] rule it is the amount of space for a small root to be able to protrude through the hole.
What is the status if the pod only has a hole on its side and not its bottom?[12]
If the hole is opposite the earth contained within the pod the pod is considered to have a breathing hole.
May one move a pod plant within one’s house?[13]
Yes. This applies even if the pod has a hole.[14] [If however the pod is on the porch and hovers over the earth, then it is forbidden to be moved.]
Is a pod considered Muktzah and thus even when allowed to be moved, it is only to be moved in ways permitted by Muktzah?
All pods which may be moved, as explained above, are considered MM”I and hence may only be moved to use their space or to use in a different area, and not to save from damage.[15] However there are Poskim[16] which rule they are completely Muktzah and may not be moved for any reason. This especially applies by expensive plant pods which are given a designated place and are not moved from there.[17] [However seemingly according to Admur even in such a case the pod would only be MM”I-See Volume 1 “The Laws of Muktzah”.]
May one move a tree which grows in a pod in one’s house?[18]
If the tree is three Tefach tall, then one may not make use of it from three Tefach and above. Hence such a pod may not be moved even within one’s house, as doing so is considered making a use of it.
May one move a pod plant from on the earth or on a peg into one’s home or vice versa?
It is only permitted to move a pod from inside to outside or vice versa if all the following conditions are fulfilled:
- The pod does not contain a breathing hole
- The plant in the pod does not hover over the earth past the boundary of the pod.
- The pod is made of metal or glass; not earthenware or wood
- One is not doing so in order to enhance the growth of the plant, such as to protect them from sun or rain.
May one move a pod plant from one area of the earth to another?[19]
No. However there are Poskim which rule that it is allowed.
May one move a pod that is sitting on a tray together with its tray?[20]
It is always permitted to move a pod together with its metal or glass tray even if the pod contains breathing holes as the tray blocks the pod from nurturing from the ground. It is however forbidden to lift the pod off from the tray as explained above regarding moving a pod from one area to another.
Q&A relating to pod plants growing in one’s house:
May one open the window to allow the plants to breath fresh air, or for rain to fall on them?[21]
No.[22] [However one may open the window for other purposes even though this will consequently allow the plant to breathe new fresh air.[23]]
May one close the window to prevent the cold air from damaging the plants?[24]
May one cover plants to protect them from the cold? [25]
May one move the plants towards the sun in order for them to further grow?[26]
[1] In a case that the pod has no breathing holes doing so is only Rabbinically forbidden as a complete pod is not considered a normal place of planting and hence one is Biblically exempt if he removes from it seeds and plants. [ibid] If the pod contains breathing holes, it is Biblically forbidden to uproot any growths from it as it is considered attached to the ground being that it nurtures from the ground through its hole which it is able to breathe the moisture of the ground. This applies even if the pod plant is sitting on pegs above ground, as nevertheless its breathing holes are able to nurture partially from the earth even thru a distance. [336/12]
[2] 336/12
[3] By doing so one is not Biblically liable for the planting prohibition being that the pod was already able to breathe the moisture of the earth through its hole even while standing on the peg, and hence was already considered attached to the earth. Nevertheless this is Rabinically forbidden being that it is similar to planting. [ibid]
[4] By doing so one is not Biblically liable for the uprooting of a plant prohibition being that the pod is still able to breathe the moisture of the earth through its hole even while standing on the peg, and hence it is still considered attached to the earth. Nevertheless this is Rabinically forbidden being that it is similar to uprooting. [ibid]
[5] So is implied from Admur 312/6, and so brings Ketzos Hashulchan 142 footnote 5 in his conclusion of his analysis on this subject as a proof for it being forbidden. So rules Meiri.
Other Poskim: The Sheivisas Shabbos; Minchas Pitim and Tehila Ledavid 336/6 rule it is permitted.
[See Ketzos Hashulchan 142 footnote 5 for analysis of above]
[6] Ideally, a pod without a breathing hole is allowed to be uprooted from one area to another. However Admur records a dispute regarding as to which type of pod this allowance refers to: The first [Stam-Rashi] opinion rules if the pod is made of wood, then if it contains no holes it is permitted to be moved from the pegs onto the ground or vice versa. However if made of earthenware it may not be moved, as even if it does not contain a hole, it is considered as if it does being that earthenware is a breathable material, and hence the plants that are in it nurture from the ground through the earthenware.
Other opinions [Rabbeinu Tam] however explain the opposite; if the pod is made of earthenware then it is allowed to be moved if it contains no holes. If however it is made of wood, then even if it does not contain holes nevertheless its plants are able to nurture from the ground through it.
Practically Admur concludes one is to suspect for both opinions and hence beware from moving either an earthenware pod or wood pod even if they contain no holes. [ibid]
[7] Ketzos Hashulchan 142 footnote 5
[8] Ketzos Hashulchan ibid in name of Iglei Tal
[9] See Q&A below.
[10] Minchas Yitzchak 8/92
[11] M”B 336/42
[12] M”B 336/42
[13] Bris Olam Kotzeir 15
[14] As the floors are well sealed and prevent the pod from nurturing from the ground.
[15] Shevisas Shabbos brought in Ketzos Hashulchan 142 footnote 5
[16] Kalkeles Shabbos Zoreia
[17] Az Nidbaru 1/15
[18] Az Nidbaru 1/14
[19] See above and footnote there.
[20] Ketzos Hashulchan 142 footnote 2 and 5
[21] Ketzos Hashulchan 142 footnote 18 in name of Shevisas Shabbos
[22] As doing so causes them to grow.
[23] Har Tzevi 2/11 brought in Piskeiy Teshuvos 336/11
[24] Ketzos Hashulchan 142 footnote 18 in name of Shevisas Shabbos
[25] Ketzos Hashulchan 142 footnote 18 in name of Shevisas Shabbos
[26] Piskeiy Teshuvos 336/11
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