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3. Rabbinical Prohibitions-The prohibitions applicable to Rabbinically forbidden mixtures of meat and milk:
All Rabbinically forbidden mixtures of meat and milk are forbidden in consumption.
Cooking a Rabbinical mixture: From the letter of the law, certain Rabbinically forbidden mixtures are only forbidden in consumption and remain permitted to be cooked together.[1] Others, however, are Rabbinically forbidden to even be cooked together.[2] Practically, it is forbidden to cook any Rabbinical mixture due to Maaras Ayin.[3] [This matter will be further discussed in Halacha 4-6!]
Benefiting from Rabbinical mixtures:[4] It is permitted to receive benefit from Rabbinical mixtures of meat and milk.
[1] Michaber 87:3 regarding poultry and wild animal meat
[2] Michaber 87:6-7 regarding blood, bones, skin, placenta, Chalav Meisa and Chalav Zachar that he is exempt from lashes if he cooks [ibid] although doing so is Rabbinically forbidden. [Shach 87:22; Beir Heiytiv 87:19; Peri Chadash 87:120; Lechem Hapanim 87:14; Beis Lechem Yehuda 87:14; Halacha Pesuka 87:6; P”M 87 S.D. 22; Chochmas Adam 40:6; Beis Yitzchak 87:9; Yad Yehuda 87:35; Zivcheiy Tzedek 87:49; Aruch Hashulchan 89:29; Kaf Hachaim 87:66]
[3] Shach 87:7 in his first explanation, as rules Michaber 87:4 regarding woman’s breast milk; Rama ibid regarding cooking non-kosher meat with milk
Other Opinions: Some Poskim rule that chicken may be cooked with milk and there is no concern for Maaras Ayin. This implies that there is no worry of Maaras Ayin by Rabbinical mixtures of meat and milk. [Rama 87:4] Some Poskim suggest that perhaps only when both foods are Kosher do we apply the Issur of cooking due to Maaras Ayin. [Taz 87:5]
[4] Rama 87:1; Michaber 91:8 regarding Melicha; Shach 87:2; Taz 87:1; Rambam, Chinuch, Mordechai, Tur; Issur Viheter 30
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule one may not benefit from even Rabbinical mixtures of Basar Bechalav. [Rashal Perek Kol Habasar 100; Bach 87, brought in Shach and Taz ibid; Beis Yosef 91 in name of Iggur that some Poskim negate the above ruling and prohibit in benefit]
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