Sitting on a box/bench/bed that contains Sefarim:
Some Poskim[1] rule it is forbidden to sit on a box that contains Sefarim inside.[2] [The same would apply to a bed or bench that opens up and contains Sefarim stored inside.] This applies even if the Sefarim are wrapped in many coverings, or many individual boxes, and one covers the box with a sheet and the like.[3] Other Poskim[4] however rule it is permitted to sit on a box/bench that contains Sefarim inside. This especially applies if the box contains other items as well, besides for Sefarim[5], and the box is covered with a sheet.[6] Practically, one may be lenient in a time of need to sit on a box/bench that contains Sefarim.[7] The above however is only regarding Sefarim, however regarding a Sefer Torah, one should not sit on a box that contains a Sefer Torah even in a time of need.[8]
If the box is attached to the wall:[9] If a box/bench/bed that contains Sefarim inside is attached to the wall through nails, it is permitted according to all to sit on top of it.
Sleeping on a box/bench/bed that contains Sefarim:[10] One may not sleep on a box/bench/bed that contains Sefarim in its storage compartment. This applies even according to the lenient opinions stated above.[11]
Summary: One is not to sit on a box/bed/bench that contains Sefarim unless it is a time of need, or the box/bench/Sefarim is attached to the wall. One may not sit on a box/bed/bench that contains a Sefer Torah even in a time of need. One may not sleep on a bench that contains Sefarim inside it, under any circumstance Q&A May one place a Sefer Torah in the baggage area of a plane?[12] Yes. The Sefer Torah is to be placed in a box and may be entered into the luggage.
May one place a box of Sefarim under a chair that he is sitting on? Yes.[13]
May one place Sefarim in the storage compartment of a storage bed? No, as it is forbidden to sleep on such a bed, as explained above. May one place a box of Sefarim under his bed [not in the storage area under the mattress]? Yes.[14] |
[1] Taz 282/4; Beis Lechem Yehuda based on Tosafus Menachos 32a; Teshuvas Rama 34 [brought in Taz ibid] leaves this matter in question
[2] The reason: As Rebbe holds [and that is how we rule] that a box is not considered an interval before impurity, and thus likewise here, the box does not serve as an interval. [ibid]
[3] Taz ibid
The reason: As sitting on top of Sefarim is a great belittlement. [ibid]
[4] Bach O.C. 101 [brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah 282/8 and Bechor Shur Eiruvin 30b]; Birkeiy Yosef in Shiyurei Bracha 282; Aruch Hashulchan 282/12; Rama in Teshuva ibid leans to permit this, although concludes with a Tzaruch Iyun; The Shach in Nekudos Hakesef argues on the reason of the Taz to prohibit it based on the laws of impurity, although he too does not conclude that it is permitted, and leaves it in question [due to other reasons] as does the Rama.
[5] Bechor Shur ibid, brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah ibid; Aruch Hashulchan ibid
[6] Tiferes Lemoshe brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah ibid
[7] Pischeiy Teshuvah ibid in name of Bechor Shur
[8] Pischeiy Teshuvah ibid
[9] Taz ibid
[10] Tosafus 32b in name of Yerushalmi; Nekudos Hakesef ibid; Birkeiy Yosef ibid
[11] The reason: As we suspect one may release gas or have relations on it. [ibid]
[12] Based on Poskim ibid that only to sit on top of the actual box is a problem.
[13] As only to sit on the actual vessel that contains the Sefarim is a problem
[14] As only to sit on the actual vessel that contains the Sefarim is a problem
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