Al Mitzvas Tzitzis-The Nussach of the blessing said over a Tallis Katan:[1]
The dispute in Rishonim and Poskim: Some Poskim[2] [i.e. Michaber] rule that that one is to say the blessing of “Lehisatef Betzitzis” upon wearing a Tallis Katan just as is said upon wearing a Tallis Gadol. This applies even if he does not wrap the Tallis Katan in a Yishmaeli wrap.[3] According to this opinion, the blessing of Al Mitzvas Tzitzis does not exist and is never to be said upon wearing Tzitzis, whether a Tallis Gadol or Katan, as rule some Rishonim[4] and Poskim.[5] Other Poskim[6] [i.e. Rama], however, rule that upon wearing a Tallis Katan one is to say the blessing of “Al Mitzvas Tzitzis” and not the blessing of “Lehisatef Betzitzis.”[7] According to other Poskim[8], no blessing at all is to be recited upon wearing a Tallis Katan if it is not large enough to perform the Yishmaeili wrap.[9] Other Poskim[10] rule that if one is able to wrap the Tallis Katan in a Yishmaeli wrap then he should do so and the blessing of Lehisatef is to be recited, [as rules the Michaber].[11] [Some[12] rule that this blessing of “Lehisatef” on a Tallis Katan may only be recited after the wrap is done, prior to wearing it on the body.] If however one cannot do the wrap or will not do the wrap[13], then the blessing of Al Mitzvahs Tzitzis is to be recited, [as rules Rama].[14]
The final ruling and custom:[15] One is to say the blessing of “Al Mitzvas Tzitzis” [in contrast to Lihisatef Betzitzis] upon wearing a Tallis Katan.[16] This applies even to Sephardim.[17] This is likewise the Chabad custom[18], as well as the custom of majority of Jewry today.[19] In previous times, however, many were accustomed not to recite any blessing on a Tallis Katan and some communities follow this custom even today.[20]
The wording of the blessing upon wearing a Tallis Katan is “Al Mitzvahs Tzitzis”.
Q&A If one said the blessing of Lehisatef Betzitzis on a Tallis Katan is he Yotzei?[21] Yes.[22] |
[1] See Admur 8:7; Michaber and Rama 8:6; Kaf Hachaim 8:27
[2] Michaber 8:6; Tashbatz 2:40
[3] Tashbatz 2:40; Erech Hashulchan 8:3; Shaareiy Teshuvah 8:3; Kaf Hachaim ibid
[4] Maharach Or Zarua 4; Tashbatz 2:40
[5] See Kaf Hachaim 8:25 in name of Poskim that according to Michaber the blessing of Al Mitzvas may never be said, unlike understanding of Shulchan Gavoa 8:9 in Michaber ibid that even in his opinion it ma be said
Ruling of Admur in Siddur and other opinions: In the Siddur Admur omits the blessing of Al Mitzvas Tzitzis which can lead one to learn that he rules like the Michaber 8:6 which omits this blessing and implies it is not to be recited. This follows the opinion of some Rishonim who rule that the blessing of Al Mitzvas Tzitzis may not be recited on a Tallis Katan. [Maharach Or Zarua 4; Tashbatz 2:40] This blessing of “Al Mitzvas Tzitzis” found in today’s Tehilas Hashem was not originally printed by Admur in the Siddur, and was only added later on in the publishing of Tehilas Hashem, seemingly due to this directive from Hayom Yom.
[6] Yeish Omrim in Rama 8:6; Kol Bo 22
[7] The reason: The reason behind this ruling is in order to satisfy those opinions who say that if one cannot perform a Yishmaeli wrap with the Tallis then it is not obligated in Tzitzis, and no Mitzvah is fulfilled by wearing it. [See Admur 8:5-6; Michaber 8:3; Tur 8; Ittur Tzitzis 2:3 in name of Geonim, brought in Beis Yosef; Ritva brought in Nimukeiy Yosef Tzitzis] Consequently, according to this opinion, a blessing may not be recited upon wearing a Tallis Katan of today, as it is exempt from Tzitzis being that the command only applies to clothing that is large enough to be wrapped in the Yishmaeli style. [Admur 8:5] For this reason, by a Tallis Katan we say a blessing on the general mitzvah of Tzitzis that G-d gave us, “Al Mitzvahs Tzitzis”, and not on the specific wearing of the Tzitzis being done now. This wording of the blessing is not considered a blessing in vain even according to the stringent opinion. [Darkei Moshe 8:5, brought in Taz 8:7]
[8] See regarding that a Tallis Katan is not obligated in Tzitzis: opinion in Admur 8:5 and Michaber 8:3; Tur 8; Ittur Tzitzis 2:3 in name of Geonim, brought in Beis Yosef; Ritva brought in Nimukeiy Yosef Tzitzis
See regarding negation of blessing of Al Mitzvas Tzitzis: Maharach Or Zarua 4; Tashbatz 2:40
[9] The reason: As these Poskim hold that if one cannot perform a Yishmaeli wrap with the Tallis then it is not obligated in Tzitzis, and no Mitzvah is fulfilled by wearing it. Consequently, according to this opinion, a blessing may not be recited upon wearing a Tallis Katan of today, as it is exempt from Tzitzis being that the command only applies to clothing that is large enough to be wrapped in the Yishmaeli style. [Admur 8:5]
[10] Admur 8:7 and Siddur Admur [regarding Lihisatef if do Yishmaeili wrap]; Shaareiy Teshuvah 8:3 and 7; Aruch Hashulchan 8:8; Shulchan Gavoa 8:9 [that in truth there is no dispte between Michaber and Rama]; Ben Ish Chaiy Bereishis 6; Kaf Hachaim 8:27
Custom of Arizal: The Arizal was accustomed to perform the Yishmaeli wrap with the Tallis Katan and recite the blessing of Lihisatef. [Shaar Hakavanos Tzitzis 6; Peri Eitz Chaim 1; Olas Tamid p. 24; Matzas Shmurim 12; Nagid Umitzvah Tzitzis; Kaf Hachaim ibid]
[11] The reason: In order to fulfill the blessing and Mitzvah according to all opinions. [Kuntrus Achron 8:1; See background]
[12] Piskeiy Dinim Tzemach Tzedek p. 814; Piskeiy Hasiddur 24 based on Arizal
[13] Vetzaruch Iyun why Rama/Admur rules to recite Al Mitzvas Tzitzis by a Tallis Katan even if it is large enough to perform the Atifa and he simply chooses not to do so, if we rule like the opinion that holds one is not required to do Atifa, as explained above! See Chayeh Adam 12:4that for this reason rules [like Michaber ibid] one may recite Lihisatef on a Tallis Katan even initially! Perhaps the explanation is that even according to the lenient opinion in order to say the blessing of Lehisatef it must at the very least be a type of Tallis that is at times worn over the head, however a Tallis Katan that is never worn over the head is not valid to recite Lehisatef.
[14] Admur 8:7 [omitted from Siddur]; Poskim ibid
[15] The ruling of Admur and other Achronim: The Rama ibid concludes that so is the custom and that one may not swerve from this custom. Admur ibid rules as follows: If one is able to wrap the Tallis Katan in a Yishmaeli wrap then the blessing of Lehisatef is to be recited, as rules the Michaber ibid. If however one cannot or will not do so, then the blessing of Al Mitzvahs Tzitzis is to be recited as rules Rama. This compromise ruling is also recorded in Shaareiy Teshuvah 8:3 and 7; Shulchan Gavoa 8:9; Ben Ish Chaiy Bereishis 6; Kaf Hachaim 8:27. Practically, however, in today’s times, due to the small size of the Tallis Katan, we do not perform the Yishmaeli wrap with the Tallis Katan upon saying the blessing. For this reason the wording of the blessing is “Al Mitzvahs Tzitzis” as opposed to “Lehisatef Betzitzis“. [Sefer Haminhagim p. 3 [Hebrew]; Hayom Yom 14th Sivan; Eretz Tzvi 1:1]
[16] Rama ibid “The custom [is to say the blessing of “Al Mitzvas Tzitzis” upon wearing a Tallis Katan] and one may not swerve from this custom”; Final ruling regarding Tallis Katans of today who don’t have Shiur Atifas Yishmaeilim: Admur 8:7; Shaareiy Teshuvah 8:3 and 7; Shulchan Gavoa 8:9; Ben Ish Chaiy Bereishis 6; Kitzur SHU”A 9:9; Kaf Hachaim 8:27; Sefer Haminhagim p. 3 [Hebrew]; Hayom Yom 14th Sivan; Eretz Tzvi 1:1
[17] See Ben Ish Chaiy ibid; Kaf Hachaim ibid
[18] Sefer Haminhagim p. 3 [Hebrew]; Hayom Yom 14th Sivan
[19] Piskeiy Teshuvos 8:16 and 16:3
[20] Ashel Avraham Butchach 8 and Tinyana 16; Nimukei Orach Chaim 8; Darkei Chaim Veshalom 32; Maaseh Rav Tzitzis 12; Otzer Chaim 31 that so was custom of Tzanzer Rebbe and so is Minhag Tzans; Shevet Hakehasi 3:3 that so is Minhag Belz; See M”B 8:17 [not to say blessing if less than Shiur]; Igros Kodesh 16:271 [that many Talleisim today don’t have Shiur]; Ashel Avraham Butchach Tinyana 16; Yaskil Avdi 8:22; Or Letziyon 2:2-6; Yechaveh Daas 5:2
The reason: As many of the Tallis Katans of those times did not have the Shiur Tallis. [Igros Kodesh ibid] Alternatively, because the Tallis Katan of today is not large enough to wear outside in the market and is hence exempt from Tzitzis. [Ashel Avraham ibid] Alternatively, this is because we suspect for those Rishonim that rule the blessing of Al Mitzvas Tzitzis is invalid.
[21] Chayeh Adam 12:4; Kaf Hachaim 8:20; See Michaber 8:6
[22] See Chayeh Adam there that one may even initially say this blessing on a Tallis Katan, as rules Michaber 8:6! Vetzaruch Iyun as Admur rules [8:7 and in Siddur] that one must perform the Yishmaeili wrap in order to say Lihisateif. Furthermore, we require that the head be covered during the blessing, and perhaps even Bedieved, as rules Radbaz 1:143; Shaareiy Teshuvah 8:3 “If one does not cover the head when wearing the Tallis by the blessing, he has not fulfilled the blessing.” However, seemingly the Shaareiy Teshuvah is referring to the case of the Maasas Binyamin, in which only the shoulders are covered and not the body at all.
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