Trust that Hashem will also make Keli:[1]
The Mitzvah to trust in Hashem is not just that one trusts that Hashem will provide him with Parnasa in the occupation that he has, but also that Hashem will assist him with finding a proper vessel for that blessing to channel through. Meaning, that the trust is not just in the fact that my job or occupation will bring an income due to G-d’s blessing, but also that my job or occupation is itself provided to me by G-d with Divine providence. This is the meaning of the verse “Baruch Hagever Asher Yivtach BaHashem Vehaya Hashem Mivtacho”, which seems repetitive. The first part of the verse is saying that blessed is the man who trusts in G-d and not on his occupation. The second part is saying that blessed is the man that trusts that G-d will lead him, or has led him, to a proper occupation.
_________________________________________[1] Pelach Harimon Vayeira 62 in name of Tzemach Tzedek in name of Baal Shem Tov; Keser Shem Tov Hosafos 51
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