Chapter 63: Vengeance against Edom and praising G-d for the redemption
- I have thought of the day that I will seek vengeance against Edom and bring redemption for the Jewish people. I have seen the no nation has come to help the Jewish people and hence I alone will take out My wrath on the enemy. I will tear their strength and make them confused like drunkards.
- Giving thanks and praise to G-d: the Jewish people need to mention praise of G-d on all the good that He has done for them. G-d has stood with them by all of their oppressions and sufferings, and His angel has given them salvation.
- Looking for Moshe to save them: During the exile, the Jewish people look at Moshe their leader and ask as to his whereabouts and as to why G-d does not send a similar savior from this exile.
- Praying to G-d for salvation: The Jewish people exclaim that G-d is their father as they do not know what happened to Abraham or Jacob, and they therefore turn to you G-d our father to redeem us.
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