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Tuesday, 11th Iyar 5783/May 2, 2023
Parshas Emor
- Laws of Karbanos:
- An Olah voluntary offering: Any Jew may volunteer to bring a Neder or Nedava Olah offering to Hashem. It is to be an unblemished male, either a male cow, sheep or goat. The Karban may not have a Mum.
- Blemishes: The following matters are defined as a Mum:
- The animal is blind
- The animal is broken
- The animal has a cut eyelid
- The animal has a wart.
- The animal has a limp
- The animal has an enlarged limb.
- The animal has crushed or destroyed reproduction organs.
- It is forbidden to castrate any animal.
- You shall not take a Karban from a stranger, it will likely have a Mum.
- Slaughtering after 8 days: When an ox, sheep, or goat, gives birth, the baby is to be with its mother for seven days. The animal may be offered from the 8th day and onwards.
- Mother and child: One may not slaughter a mother and child of an ox or sheep on the same day.
- Nosar: One may not leave the meat of the Karbon over until morning.
- Mitzvah of Kiddush Hashem:
- Do not desecrate Hashem’s name, and you are to sanctify Hashem amongst the Jewish people.
Tanya Chapter 46:
1. The meaning of the blessing we say before Mitzvos “Asher Kidishanu”:
- A mitzvah is like marriage: Based on the above we can understand why we say [the following words] “Asher Kidishanu Bemitzvosav” [in a blessing which is said prior to the performance of a mitzvah]. This wording follows the same wording used to describe one who is consecrating a woman so she be united with him in a complete unity, as the verse states “Vedavak Beishto Vhayu Lebasar Echad.” The reason for this is because also when one performs a mitzvah, he becomes united with G-d.
- The greatness of the unity: In fact, the unity achieved during mitzvah performance is infinitely greater than the physical unity of marriage, as during the fulfillment of the mitzvah one achieves unity of the G-dly soul which learns Torah and fulfills Mitzvos, as well as the enlivening soul [i.e. animal soul] and Their garments [thought speech and action], with Or Ein Sof.
- The parable of Shir Hashirim: It is due to the above reason that King Solomon wrote the book Shir Hashirim in a way which describes the unity between a husband and wife, with love and attachment and passion and desire and hugging and kissing, as in truth this is likened to our relationship with Hashem, during mitzvah performance.
2. G-d elevates us to His holiness and we become a charity for Him:
- On a deeper level, we say the words “Asher Kidishanu Bemitzvosav” being that G-d elevates us to His level of holiness through the performance of a mitzvah. Holiness means separation, as G-d, which refers here to Soveiv Kol Almin, is separate from the worlds, and through mitzvah performance one’s soul becomes elevated and united and incorporated within the infinite light of G-d and receives the same level of greatness as the infinite light of G-d itself, due to this unity.
- Becoming a chariot for G-d like our forefathers: During mitzvah performance, G-d becomes our personal G-d similar to the relationship he had with our forefathers, Abraham and Isaac who were chariots for Hashem and were nullified and incorporated within His light. This exact experience is likewise achieved by the soul of every single Jew when he studies color and performs a mitzvah.
3. Standing for one performing a Mitzvah:
- Based on the above we can understand why the sages obligated one to stand in the presence of someone performing a mitzvah, even if that person is an ignoramus. This requirement to stand is due to the divine presence which resides on the soul of this person throughout the time of the performance of the mitzvah.
4. Not being conscious of the unity:
- Despite the above unity which is accomplished through mitzvah performance, we do not actually consciously experience it, as the soul is not conscious of this unity due to the blockage that is caused by the existence of the physical body which is unrefined and darkens and blinds the eyes of the soul from experiencing G-dly revelation.
- In this respect, we are unlike our forefathers who were refined and actually experienced and felt the unity, and thereby experienced the world already in their lifetime.
Rambam Minyan Hamitzvos
The division of the mitzvah’s and chapters
1. The 14 books:
This title has been divided into 14 books.
- The first book-Mada: Includes all of the commands relating to the fundamentals of Judaism, which a person must know before anything else such as God’s unity, and the prohibition of idolatry and the like.
- The second book-Ahava: Includes all of the constant commands which were given in order to express one’s love of God and to remember Him. This includes the command of reading the Shema, praying to God, wearing tefillin, the blessing of the priests, and circumcision which is a mitzvah that reminds us of God constantly even at times that we are not wearing tefillin and Tzitzis.
- The third book-Zemanim: Includes all the commands relating to holidays, such as Shabbos and Yom Tov.
- The fourth book-Nashim: Includes all the commands relating to marriage including the laws of Kiddushin, divorce, Yibum and Chalitza.
- The fifth book-Kedusha: Includes all the commands relating to forbidden relations and forbidden foods, which are two matters in which we the Jewish people are different than the Gentile nations.
- The sixth book-Haflah: Includes all the commands relating to one who prohibited a certain matter upon himself, such as through an oath or vow.
- The seventh book-Zeraim: Includes all the commands relating to agriculture, such as the laws of Shemita, Yoval, Terumos Umaasros.
- The eighth book-Avoda: Includes all the commands relating to the temple and its public offering.
- The ninth book-Karbanos: Includes all the commands relating to private offerings.
- The tenth book-Taharah: Includes all the commands relating to purity and impurity.
- The 11th book-Nezikin: Includes all the commands relating to man and his fellow, which involves monetary damage or bodily injury.
- The 12th book-Kinyan: Includes all the commands relating to business, sales and purchases.
- The 13th book-Mishpatim: Includes all the commands relating to man and his fellow that do not involve damages, such as custodians, loans, and various claims.
- The 14th book-Shoftim: Includes all the commands relating to the Supreme Court, such as capital punishment, witnesses, and laws relating to a monarchy and war.
2. The detailed laws in each book:
- We will now begin to detail the chapters and mitzvah’s included in each book:
3. The book of Mada:
- Number of subjects in book: Five.
- The laws which are the foundations of the Torah
- The laws relating to one’s character.
- The laws of Torah study.
- The laws of idolatry.
- The laws of repentance.
A. Hilchos Yisodei Hatorah-The laws which are the foundations of the Torah
- Number of mitzvah’s included: Ten, six positive commands and four negative commands.
- To know that there is a G-d.
- Not to entertain the belief of existence of any other God.
- To unify Him.
- To love Him.
- To fear Him.
- To sanctify His name.
- Not to desecrate His name.
- Not to cause loss to items of which the name of God is associated with.
- To listen to the prophet who speaks in his name.
- To not challenge the prophet.
B. Hilchos Deios-The laws relating to one’s character
- Number of mitzvah’s included: 11, five positive commands and six negative commands.
- To emulate God.
- To attach to those who know God.
- To love a fellow Jew.
- To love the convert.
- Not to hate another Jew.
- To give reproof.
- Not to shame a fellow Jew.
- Not to oppress those who are downtrodden.
- Not to gossip.
- Not to take vengeance.
- Not to hold a grudge.
C. Hilchos Talmud Torah-The laws relating to Torah study
- Number of mitzvah’s included: Two positive commands.
- To study Torah.
- To honor those who study and have knowledge of Torah.
D. Hilchos Avodas Kochavim-The laws relating to idolatry
- Number of mitzvah’s included: 51, two positive commands and 49 negative commands.
- Not to swerve after idolatry.
- Not to follow one’s forbidden thoughts and forbidden sights.
- Not to blaspheme God.
- Not to serve idols in the way their worship.
- Not to prostrate to an idol.
- Not to manufacture an idol for personal use.
- Not to manufacture an idol for others.
- Not to make sculptures even for purposes of beauty.
- Not to missionize for others to serve idolatry.
- To burn a city of idolatry.
- Not to rebuild a city of idolatry.
- Not to benefit from any of the assets of the city of idolatry.
- Not to missionize an individual to serve idolatry.
- To not love the missionary.
- To not stop hating the missionary.
- Not to save the missionary.
- Not to learn merit on the missionary.
- To not abstain from learning judgment on the missionary.
- Two not prophesies in the name of idols.
- To not adhere to prophecy said in the name of other gods.
- To not prophesies falsely.
- To not fear putting a false prophet to death.
- Not to swear in the name of idolatry.
- Not to perform the Ov witchcraft
- Not to perform the Yidoni witchcraft.
- Not to pass one child to the Molech.
- Not to build a monument for idolatry.
- Not to prostrate on a stone floor.
- Not to plant a tree for idolatry.
- To destroy idolatry.
- Not to benefit from idolatry.
- Not to benefit from the ornaments of idolatry.
- Not to make a treaty with idol worshipers.
- Not to give clemency to idol worshipers.
- Not to allow idol worshipers to settle in our lands.
- Not to act or dress like idol worshipers.
- Not to believe in superstitions.
- Not to perform sorcery.
- Not to perform Onen superstitions.
- Not to perform charms.
- Not to perform necromancy with the dead.
- Not to seek the counsel of an Ov.
- Not to seek the counsel of a Yidoni.
- Not to perform witchcraft.
- Not to shave the corners of one’s head.
- Not to shave the corners of one’s beard
- For a man not to cross-dress like a woman.
- For a woman not to cross-dress like a man.
- Not to make a tattoo on one’s body.
- Not to cut one’s body.
- Not to shave one’s head as a sign of mourning.
E. Hilchos Teshuvah-The laws of repentance
- Number of mitzvah’s included: One positive command.
- To confess one sentence.
Total amount of mitzvah’s in this book:
- The total amount of mitzvah’s in this book is 75. 16 positive commands and 59 negative commands.
4. The book of Ahava:
- Number of subjects in book: six.
- The laws of reading the Shema
- The laws of prayer and the priestly blessing.
- The laws of tefillin.
- The laws of Mezuzah.
- The laws of a Torah scroll.
- The laws of Tzitzis.
- The laws of blessings.
- The laws of circumcision.
A. Hilchos Kerias Shema-The laws of reading the Shema
- Number of mitzvah’s included: One positive command.
- To read the Shema twice a day.
B. Hilchos Tefila Ubirchas Kohanim-The laws of prayer
- Number of mitzvah’s included: To positive command.
- To serve God through prayer daily.
- For priest to bless Jewish people daily.
C. Hilchos Tefillin Umezzuzah, Usefer Torah-The laws of tefillin, mezuzah, and Torah scrolls
- Number of mitzvah’s included: Five positive commands.
- To wear the head tefillin.
- To tie tefillin to the arm.
- To place a mezuzah on one store.
- For every Jew to write a Torah scroll.
- For a king to write a second Torah scroll for himself.
D. Hilchos Tzitzis-The laws of Tzitzis
- Number of mitzvah’s included: One positive command.
- To tie Tzitzis on the corner of one’s garments.
E. Hilchos Brachos-The laws of blessings
- Number of mitzvah’s included: One positive command.
- To bless God after eating.
F. Hilchos Mila-The laws of circumcision
- Number of mitzvah’s included: One positive command.
- To circumcise male children on the eighth day.
The total amount of mitzvah’s in this book is 11 positive commands.
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